Saturday, April 2, 2022

Whenever a CEO speaks on public policy...

 you have a good idea that the policy might be worth reviewing. Public policy is for the general good or should be if done well, however CEOS, only have a singular goal and that is the company’s bottom line.

Yet for decades the so called conservative ideology will back up the CEO’s point of view as conservative policy. Basically they should look at the policy and see how they can make it better for all and if there is truly an adverse affect on the business well address that also. And adverse affect does not mean that shareholder dividends will go down by a few pennies. 

Conservatives really do not understand that public policy can benefit them, businesses and yes even liberals if developed and applied well. 

Here is an example that shows conservatives do not think through what is in front of them. And this is an older ongoing issue, but it speaks to the problems conservatives create for themselves in public policy debates.

The issue is recycling. For years this was attacked as a waste of time and money by some conservatives and they didn’t want the government to get involved. At some point businesses started developing that could make money from recycling so slowly the mindset changed, however the fight against recycling at first was maddening. 

If anything recycling should have been a conservative issue from the onset. It would save taxes on garbage pick up or the recycling mitigates the expense of hiring people to drive through neighborhoods all the time, you do not have to constantly buy land for new landfills, nor staff all these landfills all which save taxpayers money. So you make better use of the same labor by having the garbage collectors collect trash and recycling where the recycling is bought by the companies that can reproduce the products so even though the expense is the same the local governments receive a return. And you do not have to go out further and further from the locale to buy new land for your garbage. So if conservatives want to say they reduce taxes well then why aren’t you finding ways to reduce costs to do what is right for everyone so we can reduce taxes. I think even liberals would be on board with that thinking.

Again this is an issue that has moved forward some and many products are being made to be recycled, but how many years did it take us to get here.

It sure would be beneficial if conservatives looked at the policy and understand the goals before deriding something because a liberal thought of it.

And going back to my favorite CEO this morning, maybe they should look at the greater good because if the populace as a whole is saving money or being helped in a way is it really bad for business or are you just excruciatingly greedy?

One day we all pray that conservatives wake up and realize doing what is right for the general good ain’t going to hurt them especially if they get involved to help make it work. 


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