Thursday, August 3, 2023

I don't know what to say


I am getting back on my feet and there has been so much going on so just checking in for now.

I have plans to add a podcast to what I do so something to look forward. The topics will be as varied as this blog and I will probably do some podcasts based on its own topic and some podcasts will go hand in hand as to something written on the blog. All this will be new so it will develop over time.

I am writing this on the day that Trump is to appear in court for his indictments for what is commonly referred to as the January 6th indictments, yet I am not going to discuss this for now. None of his indictments are going away so there will be plenty of time to discuss.

And of course the 2024 elections are right around the corner. I will be discussing, updating you on other candidates not labeled democrat or republican, generally criticizing both major parties, wishing for something better, here and there discussing public policy and touching on other related political topics.

Of course the Cowboys and Mavericks will receive much attention at times, the Rangers are doing well, yet hit a rough spot recently. I will definitely watch their progress, but holding off on discussing too much so as not to jinx them. Yes I said jinx. FC Dallas and the Stars will also receive some nods every now and then. And I am still hoping the Mavericks trade for a new starting center. I would love to see us keep Powell and Holmes and trade McGhee and Hardaway either for a defensive oriented center or another defensive wing.

I am hoping the Women’s National Team starts playing better at the World Cup. They definitely need better effort or better coordination.

There will be my usual complaints in life, such as bad drivers, corporations screwing their customers, which reminds me we have got to change our mindset as consumers. We let people who work for corporations act like they are being paid by the corporation. The corporation does not make money if we do not spend so we, as consumers, need to remind ourselves that we are paying the corporation and that we should come first. The old saying was the customer is always right, yet the joke was the customer is always right until they aren’t. We need to change our mindset where we may not always be right, but corporate policy is not always right either. Just like we as taxpayers need to be more proactive about how we view our government, we as consumers need to be more proactive about how we are treated as customers and not allow large corporations to dictate our behavior just so they can make more money off the same product and services. This is one way they can get away with manufacturing or producing mediocre products and services. As always more to come.

So hello for now, and the above is only a recap on my usual topics, you never know what may interest me as we go forward. Life has changed so much for me, I needed to sit down and just say something to get started again.


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