Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Debate moderator update

 Yesterday I posted I should moderate a presidential debate between the Republicans and Democrats. I could also and would enjoy doing one for all the non major party candidates.

I know one is done at one point, yet I would be honored to participate in that debate also.


Monday, July 29, 2024

I think I would be the best presidential debate host/monitor


This is easy. I have spent years grumbling about the failures of both major parties so I can be as close to impartial as anyone. Some may say you don’t like Trump which is true, yet I am equally aghast at years of Democratic ineptitude.

I would not be afraid to ask either candidate the real questions this country wants to know the answers   and stick with it or ask follow up questions until they answer in full. I want the mute button and I promise you as much as I would want to say something I would keep my own opinions out of it.

I also feel it would be an honor to moderate the debate and would take the role very seriously. I say this because I know many readers know I can be snarky or smarmy at times.

This country needs a debate where the candidates are held to the fire and while there are many people in our country who could do that, one side or the other is always going to throw out lack of impartiality of any host. The media does have sides and it is obvious.

I think being the host allows me to address or frame questions in such a way to give undecided and independent voters a real look at both candidates. We know both bases are going to come out strong for their candidate and it will be the independents and current undecideds that will pick the winner so I think it is imperative they have a debate host that addresses what they want to hear.

Here are the rules: I ask a question to a specific candidate and that candidate has two minutes to answer the question. I then move on to the next candidate and their question. I will ask both candidates most of the same questions, but not in the same order just to keep them answering the question, not throwing feces at each other. There will be no rebuttals. The candidate answers the question asked and then I move on. Again each candidate will get most of the same questions, not just in the same order. If they stray off topic they get muted. They must answer the question asked.

I can be reached at my email on my profile and will clear my calendar for when needed. October sounds good.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

We still need new candidates


And new parties,

Well at least one name changed, but it is still the same policies that have not moved this country forward for decades. Essentially the same old same ole, so what happens next?

I don’t know, maybe afterwards if Trump loses a new party will emerge from the remnants of the old GOP, but will it be a rehash of the Republican party or will fresh voices and faces bring forth a new era of responsible centrist right policy, or is that just a pipe dream.

Right now there is an extraordinary amount of new news to digest, and both campaigns are already in attack mode. I have seen some posts on “X” that are ungodly out of bounds when it comes to human decency directed at VP Harris, but that is all Elon Musk’s new version of free speech, so kudos to him, not. And we all knew this was going to happen since Trump has unleashed the worst of humanity and given them permission to denigrate any and all with intense amounts of ugliness. I am not going to vote for her, but what is being posted is an abomination of free speech and abomination of civil discourse.

So again we need new candidates and new parties and apparently a new come to Jesus moment for some people, because whatever come to Jesus moment Trump was supposed to have had, well Jesus came and Trump shut the door.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Quick comment on Project 2025


Project 2025 isn't just for Trump, the people behind it are using Trump to get what a small group of so called conservatives want. Their most honest statement is that this is for the next "conservative" president. Right now Trump is their best option since he holds such a sway over a large chunk of the electorate, however the authors/backers would switch horses mid stream if it gave them the best chance to implement their agenda.  This is a blueprint for one heck of a power grab and is much more than Trump. There is serious money and serious effort behind this and it will not go away even if Trump loses. That is what is really scary about Project 2025. The duopoly of the Democrats and Republicans have failed us and these people realize it and are ready to fill a vacuum in American politics and will destroy our country and constitution if given the chance. Trump just benefits from it and he definitely knows something about it, yet like everything with Trump he doesn't care about any details as long as he gets what he wants.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

All conspiracy theories are true, well maybe some more than others


Are aliens demons, are demons aliens, are they separate beings from separate dimensions, do either exist? Well first of all they do somehow someway in some dimension. Second I need to find out which one can cloak itself and run around my dwelling. I swear I saw something run across the room twice. At first I thought it was the dog, then I realized the dog was in another room. The second time just kind of flipped me out.

Anyway I think it is demons because I cannot find my favorite bell to ring. Nothing like a nice chime in the air to soothe the soul. Second our shoe rack is collapsing and of course it cannot be because corporations use shoddy material and all the cracks are because this is a second rate product. Just cannot be a cheap piece of garbage made in wherever. So it must be demons. Who else would make you pull something completely apart to see if it can be repaired?

And all conspiracy theories are true. Just ask the people that believe in them. Some though are more true and I feel one is developing that is scaring the fecal matter out of me. I am talking about Project 2025 brought to you by the same people that say the deep state is out to get us.

And what is worse there are very smart people who don’t seem to realize the depth of the problem. Some people think Donald Trump is the problem. At this point Trump is the puppet and I am not talking the Putin puppet of 2016 which to be honest has some conspiracy theory truth to it. Still though the 2024 problem is some people including some very rich people are using Trump to instigate a complete takeover of our country. He has no clue that he is being used. They are whispering all sorts of things in his ears to rally his troops to elect him. He is desperate to win because he is actually fearful one of these prosecutions might work and put him in jail. He is ready to believe anyone that tells him they can save him. And once he is elected they will be able to control the reigns of government no matter who follows him. Sounds conspiratorial, correct? Well go read the document outlining Project 2025. They ain’t lying.

And yet all the Washingtonians intellectuals on both sides of the aisle aren’t even giving this a second glance. People will disseminate all sorts of madness about Trump and now Biden’s age. They will dive deep into the ramifications of either winning the Presidency, yet they are not addressing the monster behind door number 1. As a democracy we are about to be screwed if Trump wins, but not because of Trump. Yet no one has seen the light. Well John Oliver did, but he spends thirty minutes trying to tell us jokes while putting a flashlight in the cave to see the monster. No elitist intellectual wants to admit he is on to something. Yet you do not have to believe him, but do as he says:  READ THE DOCUMENT!.

Yep they published their plan, at least they did us the favor of proving how stupid we are since it is right under our nose and we aren’t doing anything about it. I still admire and respect these same intellectuals that just cannot hear the rumblings from the dragon in the cave. I wish I was as well read and well published to point out to them what they are missing. Sometimes it helps if you can speak someone’s language to get them to listen to you. Yet for all their education and experience in the world of DC politics they just continue to pontificate on what they expect or what they deem are the problems. They cannot be bothered to look outside the wall surrounding the mindset of DC machinations to realize how dangerous the threat laying at the bottom of the swamp ready to rise and eat them and then spit them out.

And for the rest of the country they are too busy worrying about the things that matter and for the last forty years have wrought on us. Our savings destroyed in 2009, our sanity destroyed in 2020 by a real pandemic that no one to this day knows what to do if another one came along, and the post pandemic financial disaster known as inflation that has eaten up our wallets, savings, paychecks, and is headed for our children’s future. And in total you have the ever increasing wealth gap, the deterioration of education, the constant decline of healthcare along with the constant rise of healthcare costs, the slow withering of social security and medicare, the increase costs of any insurance you might purchase, and the list goes on.

And for some reason unknown to any sane person the Democrats and Republicans think that either Biden or Trump is the person that can steer this country to a better future. Oh yeah baby, conspiracy theories are all too real and we are staring at one large monumental disaster that cannot be explained in any rational way. The swamp monster known as Project 2025 and the ignorance of DC is real and it is coming to eat democracy alive.

And if you think that I am a chicken little running around screaming the sky is falling, well then don’t complain to me when a huge chunk of it hits your life because it will. And what I am fearful of is that it has for many people they just don’t realize it yet since we have had it too easy for too long. And that historically is when things do start to fall apart.

I hope that we can keep this great country going, but it is going to take some work and some people needing to wake up that we need new candidates and new parties like yesterday.

You can blame many things on demons or aliens, but you cannot blame our self destruction on them. We are staring it in the face. Or is all this just a mirage to keep these same demons and aliens entertained. Either way I still want a better future for me even though I am old, yet more importantly for my children and grandchildren and on.