Monday, July 29, 2024

I think I would be the best presidential debate host/monitor


This is easy. I have spent years grumbling about the failures of both major parties so I can be as close to impartial as anyone. Some may say you don’t like Trump which is true, yet I am equally aghast at years of Democratic ineptitude.

I would not be afraid to ask either candidate the real questions this country wants to know the answers   and stick with it or ask follow up questions until they answer in full. I want the mute button and I promise you as much as I would want to say something I would keep my own opinions out of it.

I also feel it would be an honor to moderate the debate and would take the role very seriously. I say this because I know many readers know I can be snarky or smarmy at times.

This country needs a debate where the candidates are held to the fire and while there are many people in our country who could do that, one side or the other is always going to throw out lack of impartiality of any host. The media does have sides and it is obvious.

I think being the host allows me to address or frame questions in such a way to give undecided and independent voters a real look at both candidates. We know both bases are going to come out strong for their candidate and it will be the independents and current undecideds that will pick the winner so I think it is imperative they have a debate host that addresses what they want to hear.

Here are the rules: I ask a question to a specific candidate and that candidate has two minutes to answer the question. I then move on to the next candidate and their question. I will ask both candidates most of the same questions, but not in the same order just to keep them answering the question, not throwing feces at each other. There will be no rebuttals. The candidate answers the question asked and then I move on. Again each candidate will get most of the same questions, not just in the same order. If they stray off topic they get muted. They must answer the question asked.

I can be reached at my email on my profile and will clear my calendar for when needed. October sounds good.


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