Thursday, July 25, 2024

We still need new candidates


And new parties,

Well at least one name changed, but it is still the same policies that have not moved this country forward for decades. Essentially the same old same ole, so what happens next?

I don’t know, maybe afterwards if Trump loses a new party will emerge from the remnants of the old GOP, but will it be a rehash of the Republican party or will fresh voices and faces bring forth a new era of responsible centrist right policy, or is that just a pipe dream.

Right now there is an extraordinary amount of new news to digest, and both campaigns are already in attack mode. I have seen some posts on “X” that are ungodly out of bounds when it comes to human decency directed at VP Harris, but that is all Elon Musk’s new version of free speech, so kudos to him, not. And we all knew this was going to happen since Trump has unleashed the worst of humanity and given them permission to denigrate any and all with intense amounts of ugliness. I am not going to vote for her, but what is being posted is an abomination of free speech and abomination of civil discourse.

So again we need new candidates and new parties and apparently a new come to Jesus moment for some people, because whatever come to Jesus moment Trump was supposed to have had, well Jesus came and Trump shut the door.

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