Thursday, December 15, 2011

It is getting crazy

And we need to get crazy back. Well back on line after another round of viruses took over the computer.

It is time that we have the anti Geneva convention on people who write and/or propogate viruses for computers. I am still amazed at why there are so many. What good is it doing to hijack people's computer and infect it with viruses that do no more than eat up the computer? It seems most viruses we have been running across are just tearing it up. Who knows maybe they are trying to get something from us, but I laugh, we have nothing after almost three years of financial disaster and now getting 1/3 the income I use to, I hope they realize the waste of their time, but it doesn't seem they do.

This is just costing us money we don't have just to get online. And the kids cannnot do their homework, getting behind in school, of course the lack of facebook for some in my family is frustrating, but overall it seems you can get viruses everywhere. It is getting to the point where I don't want to get online, (maybe that is the reason,, yeah right) but there seems to be no stopping these monsters. Shoot I maybe getting one just writing this post. It is absolutely ridiculous.

I hear of other horror stories too. People having to fix computers all the time. You try to update your virus software, it never really seems to keep up. Harddrives get corrupted, you lose important info or family pictures, work, who knows what, but you have no recourse against this crap.

So someone needs to put some teeth in doing something about this, an international convention where these criminals can be hung by their testicles publicly or their fingers chopped off. Basically forego the Geneva convention for these people. They don't seem to care about their fellow humans so why should we care about them. Okay so I am a Christian and not allowed to think this way, but really something has to be done.

Anyway back online and there has been a virtual plethora of things to write about recently especially the Republican debates. Can't believe I missed all this fodder.

Also we are approaching the 40th anniversary of something most people won't give a rats ass about, but I was thinking about it the other day when Johnny Deep was on Letterman (was a repeat) when I saw it that got me to thinking about it and the author again. I still have my thoughts buried deep in my memory so hopefully I can dig it out and write some notes here soon. Interesting for me to think about it and also the Republican debates at the same time, but if you have already guessed you can figure out how they tie together.

And finally Happy friggin Holidays to all the virus writers and all other idiots destroying the average person's life. Last year I mentioned that the only Christmas special that quotes scripture is Charlie Brown's Christmas, still haven't seen another one, maybe that is why our world is so screwed up. I am not on the Tim Tebow bandwagon though, I get a bit upset when people over amp their Christianity.

Just some quick notes on a rainy cool evening preparing for the holiday season here in Dallas.

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