Monday, January 23, 2012

to try to finish below

Worked on the last post in a hurry, but re read it and not as bad as I first thought, but...

First: There are many people who do work hard and contribute to society and I don't want to take anything away from them. Many people can balance a very hardworking productive career life and still get involved with the world around them. These aren't just type A people. Usually the so called type A actually have a hard time learning to balance, they get so focused on the one goal.

What is wrong is the expectation that all of us must give up our lives to please someone else and then the people who take away your life turn a blind eye to the problems in society. Blame it on everyone else but their own selfish desires or their demented idea that only making money is everyone's goal. Yes many of us do want to be rich, but some of us not at the expense of not just our quality of life, but being comfortable with our neighborhood, the children walking down the street we don't know, knowing our neighbors aren't abusing their children or spouse, that people who need it can get help, again you can create an endless list of a better society.

To try and put this more succinctly yes I can work hard, and contribute to the company, but I don't want my life or society's destroyed by a work ethic concept that is corrupted by leaders in corporations or people who support their mentality that is beyond the scope of the idea of working hard to get ahead. You shouldn't have to be on call 24\7 just because you have a job. And going back to what ticked me off in the first place the person on the radio was buying into the idea that the corporation does own our life. And right now with the job situation the way it is, we just have to accept it. Well that is saying to yourself that you want to be a slave with benefits voluntarily. You cannot use a bad job situation to destroy society by taking people away from the things they need to do to be involved to help make our world better. People need to participate freely and with their own time to get ahead not just in the company,but in their life.

And for the who knows how many times, a better world is really better for business. If you don't want to pay too many taxes don't let the problems of society become overly burdensome. And you cannot hide from them either or your employees can fall into traps that hurt your company. Just think about it. Really if all your employees get so stressed out they beat their children, well now you are buying new prisons to house people that no longer work for you. What good does that do you?  (okay over simplistic example, but...)

Kind of goes back to the argument of stake holder capitalism v shareholder capitalism to a small degree.

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