Saturday, January 7, 2012

simplistic example

It seems people just have too much trust. Congress going to lobbyists for advice is like you going to a mattress store because they have a sale then asking a commission salesperson for advice on which mattess is really best to support your back. We tend to think we are going to get unbiased advice in each situation.

Now Congress knows it doesn't get unbiased advice, but obviously they don't care anymore or we wouldn't have the crap in Washington we have now. It just seems that Americans don't get that they are getting screwed in both situations.

Yes my back is killing me this morning and I have no idea (or money) about what would be a better mattress for us. Such is life.

How can anyone expect Congress to make reasonable legislation when they are dominated by people who get paid millions to tell Congress what to do? If we are to get anywhere this has got to stop.

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