Thursday, February 20, 2014

Education addendum

One idea I wanted to stress a bit in education is that parents should be involved of course, but even more important that parents would be required to take some classes throughout their child's education. This does not have to be real intensive. These classes would be for parents and there would be a wide array of classes to choose from such as parent education for young parents; time management and work life balance for families where both parents work; or advanced classes in education theory for parents who already have graduate degrees.

The goal of these classes would be two fold. The first to help the parents help their children. And the second to engage the parents more in the education of their children. And being more involved that should help the parents get more involved with school boards and beyond. And again these classes wouldn't be overly time consuming such as a couple times a month.

All this is part of rethinking our educational system . My ideas in the original post are ideas and are open to improvement and adaptation as better ideas are presented. The goal is a better education system to make a better country. Or we can continue to let others continue to rob us of our country by the insanity that is Washington now. The more we know the better we become.

And on a secondary note there are many ideas out there, but I am going to put in a plug for one book called "The Whole-Brained Child". It is not a be all end all driver of my idea, but I do know some people who work in the child development field and they recommend it. And after reading through some of it, it can be helpful to many and especially to young parents. Some of the concepts do fit into some of the education models I would like to see developed. Give it a read if you have a chance. The intro is a bit redundant (yes something I am guilty of being, but they are professionals and I am a hack lol), but good to skim to help set up the book.

Again we must regain control of our country and educating us and our children is one part of the foundation to make our reclamation.

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