Saturday, March 8, 2014

A potentially interesting stat.

I saw a headline that says there were 20% fewer voters in the Texas primary than in 2010. Hard to say if that trend will be the same ongoing, but I have to think establishment Republicans might be in trouble. They need some moderates to vote and historically the far right is more active.

I have been warning people the tea party isn't going away and don't look at Cornyn winning in Texas as a victory trend for mainstream Reps. He is pretty close to teaparty ideas and there wasn't a viable contender running against him. The real battles are coming and Texas size turnouts won't help some incumbents. People rebuke me about the tea party and I hope I am wrong, but I fear I maybe saying I told you so to some friends.

Bodes well though if I could ever get some traction for people believing we need a new conservative party that supports the middle class.

And someone learn CPR, the Mavs just about killed me last night. They need to develop some mental toughness and fast or our Mavs' fans dream of doing well as a sleeper team is only going to be a dream.

And speaking of basketball the three wildest and emotional weekends in sports is just around the corner. March madness here we come. Is Florida really the favorite? And are we headed for many wild upsets again this year? The countdown to bracket mania has begun.

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