Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Some quick thoughts

I am not sure what to make of the Illinois primary. How much did it tell us? Their Govenor's race might be interesting, but it doesn't seem to be anything more than traditional Dem v establishment type Rep. I saw a headline that says it will be a populist fight. I don't see any true inklings of populist thinking in either party's nominee.

One headline spoke of a GOP nominee for Congress blamed LGBT activity for horrible weather. Not sure about the district, but might need to watch that race.

I know this was discussed in the 2012 presidential election about is a business person the right person to run a government. I am not saying they aren't, but running a business doesn't mean success in managing many competing interests. Most successful business people have to concentrate on the bottom line and in most cases that means earning income or sales. There is nothing in running a government that matches up. What, you want to raise taxes so you can earn money. Republicans want lower taxes or so they say. All kidding aside outside of managing a budget there are not many similarities.

Overall though a business person probably should have other credentials to go along with their business success before being considered for office. They could be board members of a charity or non profit hospital so they have a more well rounded perspective. Something to consider instead of just saying I can bring results to office like I did for my business.

And now for basketball. First I am ticked off at this billion dollar bracket challenge. The app isn't working and since we don't have a home computer I can't get on the general website. A bit frustrating right now.

And for the NBA. I made my prediction the Pacers will win the East, but some of their lack of production from their bench is starting to worry me. We will see.

And for the West it is really crazy. There are four teams competing for the last three spots and for each of those teams they are missing one player that could make either of those teams a top four team in the league. The playoffs in the West can be really good all three rounds. Miami probably wouldn't pass the second round in the West, but could still win the whole thing from the East because they won't be all played out.

Just some random thoughts as we head into spring.

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