Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Dear corporate world

To whom it may concern in the corporate world:

I know you are cutting costs to maximize profits. Of course that is your choice. I know you are working hard to conform your customers to fit your business models to save costs. Surely makes sense for you. Why bother going the extra mile for your customer if it doesn't help your bottom line? (and shame on us for letting you conform us to your models.) Why should you worry about what the customer thinks as long as you make money? It is not about the quality of product or customer service anymore. It is only about the profit margin. Sometimes it seems it is not about a business at all, but only about how much money you made.

I do want to take this moment though to make a suggestion, especially if you have any inkling of still caring about your customer. It is an ancient idea, some of you use to have, called training. Believe it or not, having people that work in your corporation have an idea of what they are doing would be really nice for of the few of us left that still consider ourselves as consumers, not dollar signs in your eyes. Just think; trained employees tend to make less mistakes, not chase away people with indifference, and promote good relations with that antiquated group of people called customers. Yes a training department adds benefit even it does add to the horrid cost side of the ledger. Unfortunately this is not a letter to just a few of you corporate worlders, but too many. Or do you really just don't care anymore about us. I will not get mad at your employees now for two reasons. One it is unfair to be mad at someone who was never given a clue in the first place and second if I come into a place or call in and the employees seem ill prepared, well I will stop coming.

Sincerely yours

Customer world


On another note apparently another Congressman has been caught in a sexual dalliance. And of course all the internet trolls say accuse each party at being the worst. As an independent it seems the moral character of both parties is the worst. The trolls point fingers as if their side is as pure as the driven snow. Hmmmmmm time for a mirror check everyone.

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