Friday, July 25, 2014

Some more of those quick hits

As a follow up to my Ukraine worst case scenario, my advice: put savings in local banks and credit unions. Even if I am completely wrong (hope I am) putting money in smaller institutions will help your local environment so hopefully a reasonable idea.

As a conservative I don't like too much government interference in our lives, but somethings are more important. Water is something that needs its own set of rules and we especially need to keep it from becoming a commodity. Absence of a national policy for now, a quick idea would be graywater systems should be a requirement in local building codes going forward. Not real impactive in the huge picture, but right now every little bit can help.

I am curious. Just read Bloomberg article about Paul Ryan's new budget proposal. Feeling a bit emboldened here, some of the philosophical reasoning for the changes match up with some of my ideas from the platform I wrote first of the year. It is tactically different, but similar in ideas and reasoning.

And things are about to get really hot here in North Texas and I am not talking about the weather. John Wiley Price,, a local County commissioner was arrested for a variety of indiscretions and abuse of office along with some others in cohorts with him. This could get real interesting if some of the fall out starts to bring in business interests alluded to are involved. This is round two of this story, but the FBI is involved and this time there could be much more. This will make county elections going forward real fun . More to come.

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