Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Loss for words Part 3

As noted in the previous post current events always need to be addressed, it is somewhat like what the children are missing in the story. They have no idea what is going on around them and nor do their parents. If you don’t or can’t pay attention to the world how can you make the changes to make it better.

And the story continues……………………………………………………………………………
It was shopping day. And she enjoyed shopping day. She usually preferred being alone, but as a human she did need communal interaction and so she set aside certain days to go out and get involved with what was left with the idea of community. And at times she missed him so going out and interacting took away some of the pain of him not being around anymore.

She got up early for shopping day, very early. Took pains to take out just enough money from where she had it stashed in a secret compartment under the house. A few years ago she had took out most of her money from the banks. Luckily this was right before all the banks were taken over by certain elements of the ruling elite. No one said it was a take over and to the general populace they didn’t know what happened. Yet the banks were continuously monitored to see if anyone was able to start saving or building a balance in their accounts.  Something always happened when a person started to get ahead a bit in life. All of a sudden their job was cut or their house would need an extrodinate amount of repairs. It was something that would eat into the budget and usually enough to make them go crawling to the secondary banking system for a loan. Once you obtained one of these loans your finances were never in your control again. It would have taken three full time jobs to truly pay these off completely and be rid of them. They became a round robin of refinancing just to make the payments for the previous one and then you never had enough for food etc. Unbeknowst to many, getting ahead was not the best idea or at least getting ahead where someone could know. She had decided that something was amiss so she decided to keep her money to herself. Fortunately for her, the timing was good. Even though the bosses wanted to look at the history of people’s accounts, since no one was trained very well or hours were kept scare no one had the time to historical audits of people’s accounts so only the present activity in the banks was reviewed.

She divided her money up so she could carry it in different places on her self and in her car. She knew that if she did get stopped by a gang or the boss’ men it would be better to have some in her purse for them to take their share than to try to hide it all. She had never been robbed, but having talked to the shop keepers over time she knew what the risks were in going out so better to act like you have contributed to the boss’ neighborhood good campaign than fight it. She knew how much she needed so hid that amount and then she made sure there looked like an appropriate amount was in her purse for someone shopping on a budget and hoped for the best.

And she knew to go early so she was out of the house about ten minutes before the shopkeepers opened their stores. Many didn’t have business till later in the day, but there were a few smart shoppers that would come out when they could so they wanted to be ready for them since these people were generally their best customers.

Today it was cloudy so a bit dreary, but that did not dampen her spirits as she drove out of the garage and headed off to the stores. She did drive cautious with her eyes wide open. She knew to give in if someone attempted to claim a donation from her, but if they wanted anything else from her there would be a fight. She had no desire to become a victim like so many other women were becoming. And of course the police never were able to solve the crime. Some even suspected that the police were some of the worst when it came to crimes against women. No one could prove anything of course, most crime was blamed on gangs, yet the boss’ men and police never seemed to be where they were needed nor able to help women who had been victimized. She decided it would probably be the end for her if she fought, but she was going to fight. So under her car seat placed very carefully in a slot that you would not feel if you made a cursory feel under the seat was an older but well maintained Kimber 9mm semi automatic pistol. She had one that was made to prevent snagging if being pulled out of a holster or in her case from a slot or sleeve cut into the fabric under her seat, an Ultra CDP II. It was one of the guns he had got for her many years ago. He had taken her to the gun range many times. It was a hobby for him. At first she regretted going at all, but she loved him so she went to humor him and now something she was glad she had done. Even though she didn’t like shooting she had become very comfortable with one in her hand and being able to use it. She always made sure the gun had been reviewed the night before she went shopping just to be on the safe side. She also had two hunting rifles and a shotgun in the house. They were also well maintained.

She drove to the grocery store. A two store building built over a hundred years ago and being held together by sheer desire of the store owner. An older gentleman of around 60 years old. Since early it was slow so he saw her coming down the street and his eyes lit up. Yes he was married and he had no desire to do harm to his wife, but this woman was still very beautiful and he appreciated when she came in. His wife also saw her coming from an upstairs window. She stayed upstairs for two reasons. One she knew the lady was beautiful and all the older men fell all over themselves to help her including her husband, but two her husband always seemed to be a bit more amorous on the evenings she came. She still loved her husband even with all the difficulties, so a night where he would make advances and pay special attention to her was something she still enjoyed. They still felt good to each other, so what if some days this women provided a bit of a spark to him , he still ended the night with her. The other was she did spend money. The wife didn’t know where she got it nor did she care. She was a good customer and upstairs there were still items to sell in the store. The wife wanted to be up there to help her if needed without interfering with the woman’s interaction with her husband. They always needed the business and she was one of the best customers. And the wife knew not to say anything about her being a good customer. It benefited them and the woman for no one to know.

She arrived at the store and was greeted warmly by the shopkeeper. She had her list and he filled it hastily knowing the importance of anyone noticing she was in the store for any amount of time. If people were watching, a long visit might mean a large sell. He hated that he had to hurry, but he made every effort to finish the list. The lady went upstairs for a couple of items while he filled the grocery order. The wife and the woman had a short, but cordial conversation. The wife kept her up to speed on some of the goings on that she knew about. She appreciated having the conversation even if it was mainly gossip. It was still nice to talk to adults from time to time.

They loaded her car in the back taking out the bags through the rooms where the lived in the back of the store. Everything was going well and they were almost done. Then the car drove by the street and probably wouldn’t have noticed except one of the gang members riding was bored so he was looking down the alley and saw the lady’s car in the back. He knew what this meant so the car turned around and blocked the alley. Luckily they were almost done loading the car and had put the groceries in the trunk except for two bags of some of the least important items. The shop keeper and she knew just like the money situation you had to have something visible to pacify the gangs so they wouldn’t suspect there was something more. Gang members because of alcohol and drug abuse just weren’t that smart.

She had never been robbed before. She started to drive down the alley to hopefully force the gang car to move. It didn’t. She stopped just short of hitting it on the side of the car which prevented the guys from getting out that side so they all climbed out the other side and now were a bit angry. She stayed in her car while they got out. Once they got close she put the car in reverse and went back down the alley at a high rate of speed. The gang members got back in their car and started giving chase. The shop keeper and his wife watched in horror as this played out. People rarely ran. They would just accept the inevitable and move on. This was unexpected. She was a woman, alone.  A very dangerous move. At the end of the alley before she could back into the street another car pulled up and she came to a screeching stop. She was trapped. The gang members got out and began to yell at her. The shop keeper did what he was supposed to do and called the police. Not that he expected them to come, but being older this was something he knew what was supposed to be done.  The police operator said someone would be out soon. He didn’t believe her, but he had called.

The cars that had trapped her were not of the same gang. This made the situation even more dangerous.

To be continued…….

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