Saturday, November 7, 2015

Truth is scarier than fiction

I am still going to continue my story in future posts, but a couple of news events just shows we have no idea what the future can bring us if we fail to hold our leaders and ourselves responsible for putting  people first.

The first event was the Russian passenger airliner that crashed coming out of Egypt. If you have been reading the news you have heard there is a possibility there was a bomb involved. And now flights are being cancelled, people are leaving, and the Egyptians are losing tons of tourism business which their economy needs. It doesn’t take much anymore. We need to seriously look at the big picture and what we are doing that drives people to form and join extremist groups. Terrorism is not something that will be eradicated overnight. Yet we have to find a way to live fruitful and constructive lives and not let the terrorists drive our governments into such paranoia that our values and freedoms are compromised.  There are no immediate answers, but it is up to us to force our leaders to make better decisions overall for our own countries and the way countries treat each other and their people so we can slowly change the attitudes that cause people to be misled into these terrible crimes against people and humanity. At some point you would hope that we, as humanity, would grow positively.

The second news event is scary in a totally different way and is the scandal in a Colorado high school involving sexting. People seem to be obsessed with fame or popularity more so than values anymore. At some point we need to re instate a value system for our youth to follow. We do not have to go to the other extreme and make all women/girls cover themselves from head to toe, but some sense of worth as a person needs to be taught. It is a sad reflection of our entire society that this type of scandal exists. Everyone wants to blame the phones, the parents, the kids, yet no one wants to sit down and ask the hard questions of what it takes for not one or two children to lose sense of what they are doing, but a whole community of children. This is a symptom of some serious issues we need to address. I was talking about it with others and then even I let the conversation get sidetracked into bad jokes and creating a show called “Avoiding the Kardashians”. A whole series of bad SNL skits showing how we have lost track of what is important. And I am not saying this is their fault, yet their show is just another symptom of how lost of a society we have become. And yes teenagers will make bad decisions. I know I made more than my share as a teenager. Again though why aren’t we going forward as humanity? I do not think we will ever be perfect, yet at some point how can we instill common sense values into our lives so young people are not subjecting themselves to self-degradation just to be accepted. And even this acceptance exists in a fragile and fleeting moment in time.

Or basically sometimes we can all just have a Loss for words. Or wish we had cure all answers.

I will continue my story on the same track I began, but sometimes current events just have to be addressed. And I do not want to let current events effect my scenario because I just want to stay with one idea for now.  Anyway these stories upset my internal apple cart and wanted to get my feelings off my chest even if I had to get up on a soap box for a moment.

No matter what the cause lets’ consider the victims in these scenarios and think about what we can do to prevent more victims.

Hope you have a better weekend

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