Monday, January 23, 2017

Is it me? Or?

Is this a real dichotomy?

Or am I jaded?

Yet in some circumstances it seems that people consider lying and deceit signs of strength while being humble and honest are signs of weakness. I am not saying everywhere or in every circumstance, and yet does enough of this misconception exist; that it is a problem?  If you ask me being honest nowadays takes more strength than ten men can handle.   Or am I just jaded?

Just got back from a short long trip. Headed out for a weekend and had car incidence along the way. I will have to follow through on some things and hopefully we will get our money back. This took away a night and half a day.

Otherwise the weekend went well, too short. The better half did get to see friends and family in large quantity for such a short time there. We were running the whole time.

And yes I did see what happened this weekend. Too much news and too much noise. And Truth?????

Hope your days and New Year are going well. I was reminded this weekend the importance of being open minded.  So will try.


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