Sunday, February 19, 2017

Melancholy is a “b” of a word

Or to say the least a feeling also.

I always talk about how terrible certain people have screwed the country or try to make some input into how to make things better.

Sometimes you forget the wonderful is right in front of you.  And it can be in the simplest of actions or events.

I forget there is a future, no matter if someone does well or screws us all there will be a tomorrow.  And overall there is great potential for a good future. People do not want evil to win or bad things to happen. People find ways to survive. People find ways to achieve. People find ways to flourish.

And sometimes it is just a gathering of people that remind you of that. My generation was active, reactive, demanding, and then flopped. I should have known the deal went down when Jerry Rubin went from Yippie to Yuppie. Actually, I am being harsh, most of the Chicago 7 (8) went on to successful careers, it was his change that personified the concept of selling out a cause for something superficial. This embodied some of my anger at why people who once stood up against the machine became a cog in getting people to play along.

And of course, I am not talking about going from liberal to conservative, but continuing a fight for a better way of life. And by better way of life I am not talking being rich for being rich sake.

And this brings me back to what can happen. I went to an event this weekend, mostly young people, mostly middle class, moving up the economic ladder, all educated, and a very diverse crowd. All Americans, all happy, well some usual stresses of middle class living, but happy, glad to spend time with each other. Basically, what we think this country should look like going forward if you believe in the high ideals of our Constitution and phrase that came later in our history that we are a melting pot of the world. Again, what we, that want a better country, want to see.

Are they as politically active as we were when we were young? I do not see it. They may be, but it would have to be in their own quiet way. And for someone as politically charged as I am, this bothers me. So, I wonder, should it?
I want them to have the life they are living. I think all parents would want their children to be successful. I fear though their worlds will come tumbling down because of all the demons I rant and rave about on a regular basis. So, am I crazy to rail against the machine or is it up to them to fight their own battles for their own future?

I have my opinions and I will continue to spout them off, yet I hope these and all young people look for more practical leadership than we have now or have had for the last few decades.  I fear we have left good people a bad situation and hence a bad case of being melancholy this evening.

Or is it late Sunday night and I have no desire to deal with Monday. Ha ha ha

There are many great young people in our country. I hope they get the opportunity to be great. 

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