Sunday, April 23, 2017

Keeping America great.. addendum

Absolutely beautiful day here in North Texas; the kind of day you cruise to the lake in a convertible with the top down. Yep good ole fashion teenage hang out cruising fun kind of day.

And just think how wonderful that would be if you were driving an electric convertible car, powered by either solar panels or a power company that derives it sources from renewables like wind or solar. You now enjoy this wonderful day and help keep the air clean so everyone could see the blue sky clearly, breath wonderful fresh air, and of course wear the sp 5000 so you do not get sun burnt from the wonderful sun beating down on you as you cruise. This is how it should be. Companies still make cars, power companies still make money, jobs abound, and you enjoy a healthy environment that allows you, your children, your grandchildren etc…. to also enjoy the same pleasure.  Keeping America great as we cruise through the 21st century.

Why is this so hard to come to fruition? This is healthy, it is smart, doesn’t take away from capitalism, and derives happiness. What is not to love?

And this isn’t some fo fo hippie crap, this is plain common sense.

And on a different note: I am not a fan of the Houston Rockets, nor generally Patrick Beverly, yet I think there is more to his fan story and it did meet the eye.

As a pro sports player in any sport, you have to expect taunting. It will come from fans, other players and you need a thick skin. It is part of the game.

Yet when watching the video it looked like that fan said something outside of the realm of normal sports taunting. Mr. Beverly’s reaction seemed more of a human reaction of a more personal derogatory note. I am not thinking any kind of calling you out as a player comment. I mean directed to him personally that had nothing to do with him being a professional athlete. Sure Mr. Beverly should not have gone after the fan after the game, however, yet any professional athlete deserves not to be denigrated by fans for anything other than comments that follow under normal sports taunting.

If for example, the fan said ha ha you missed or your team sucks, then Mr. Beverly needs to get a thicker skin, if for example something was said about Mr. Beverly for ANY OTHER REASON that was derogatory then the fan is in the wrong. And unfortunately based on Mr. Beverly’s reaction it definitely seemed the latter.

Going back to keeping America great, respect of all humans for who they are is part of keeping America great, anything less is demeaning to the person and demeaning to our culture.  The current culture of hate within some of our country is taking us away from everything we strive to be as leaders of the free world. Hate for any reason is destructive and even self-destructive so it has no place in any society, and especially if we want to hold ourselves out as something special throughout the world.  No one may know what the fan said except the fan and Mr. Beverly because it may have been loud or since he looked down at Mr. Beverly on the floor and the words never travelled far, but if someone did hear and it was wrong, I hope they call out that person. It would be nice publicly for Mr. Beverly’s benefit, but at least to the person’s face. We need to stop this madness. And again if I am wrong and it was just normal sports taunting, well then Mr. Beverly you may have some hard times being a professional athlete if you don’t learn to get over it.  Based on the reaction on your face though I do not think that is the problem.

And not saying anything (yeah right) some players need to quit trying to trip people from the bench.  Just a random statement maybe (half attempt or not)

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