Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Some random non-tax thoughts for tax day

Birds of a feather enable each other

So let’s say you are the CEO or other chief in a large company or organization and you hire someone. (cough cough Manafort) And let’s say that someone had a criminal history, and it was determined that you knew this information or maybe you were incompetent and didn’t do a thorough background check even though you hired this person to a position of extreme importance to your organization. Normally wouldn’t people question the judgement of the CEO or other chief?  Normally? Especially the people (Republicans) that rely on this person to lead the organization. Are the followers so desperate to have their own ilk lead that they cannot see how bad is their own judgment?  And what is really funny their leader is not one of them. He just plays the part so all the other billionaires will like him.

There is the hedge fund manager that says Bannon is a real smart guy, one of the brightest. Says Bannon is the one person who really understands the wealth divide. Yeah, maybe so, but who is benefiting from his knowledge of the wealth divide. Hmmm? Sometimes you can serve yourself more pie when you are the one doing the cutting.

People wonder why the Republicans and Democrats passed the bill that allows internet providers to mine and sell your information. And they wonder why this passed even though most of the Country was against this bill. Why would anyone do that? Oh wait, maybe the Democrats and Republicans plan on using this information for themselves. Conveniently a great way to learn more about the habits of the people that vote for them. Well so they know more how to get them to vote so they can stay in power. And what is funny is how many people are saying the same thing I am and nothing is being done about it.

My apologies to Mick, Keith and the boys and a few old friends, but our politicians seem to have re written an old song:

“ you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you can royally screw over the people you represent.”

Maybe we are past time for Republicans and Democrats to run our country? Maybe? Over time anyone can wear out their welcome

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