Wednesday, August 15, 2018

So much insanity, so little time again and again

Greed and Plutocracy are not the American way, or at least the American way I know and love.

Some people though are working hard to destroy this country. I was talking to someone and they were thinking that sooner or later the alt right and the elitists are going to clash. I do not know. They have been using each other for a long time now. They do not advertise it, but I think most of you have already seen this marriage of convenience. Fox news has been the conduit of this relationship for a long time.

I have to go slow. The anger was welling up to uncomfortable levels the last few days. I know I am not saying anything to new to get started.

One article out there today was that Stephen King, the author, had another tweet that did something or other to the President, He was outraged or something. And this is one of the reasons I am mad. Everyone is outraged on twitter or whatever social media, but when you say let’s do something about it…..crickets….

People seem dumbfounded by any call to change. So many people agree there is a problem, yet getting people to attack it is worse than pulling teeth. People get teeth pulled, but getting together to do help make their lives better is crazy. And this is all over the place.

Senator Sanders was on TV the other day with his “socialist democratic” platform. And he was asked don’t you think you are causing yourself some extra work by labeling it socialistic, he said no and gave details on the platform. I disagree. He is causing himself problems getting his message out by using this label. Some of his platform is not bad sounding, somewhat unrealistic, but not bad sounding. He shouldn’t label it with a term that turns off much of middle America. He did make a good point when he said the Democrats need to be in all fifty states, not just the East and West Coast. That is part of their pretentious problem, they ignore middle America and treat it with disdain. And people wonder why Trump gets away with all his tweets about fake news etc.  Many Americans have felt under appreciated by the media for a long time now. It isn’t because the news is fake, but Trump has directed their anger well.

And going back to Trump he needs to be impeached, but not for the collusion issue, even if it truly exists. Well, that is impeachable, but there are harder and more pressing issues.

And it is not because of his character, his lies, his vile behavior, his under the covers racism, that is for him and God to discuss one day.

He needs to be impeached because he is attacking the Constitution. And I know I am not the only one that feels this way. Everyday his actions are a direct attack on our founding document. The best document written by man and he chews it up and spits it out on a daily basis. He swore to uphold it and he is failing it. This is impeachable. Enough of our Congress is part of the plutocracy/greed machine that he won’t be impeached. The vast majority of our Congress though is scared. Flat out scared of the biggest bully on the block. Speaker Ryan abdicated his responsibilities, Sen. Flake is quitting on the fight, others just duck and cover hoping they aren’t noticed. It is a terrible shame. Trump by all accounts doesn’t care either. His attacks on our institutions, our government, his outright lies, our values, individuals, etc proves he should never be President. Yet the pretentious left discounted half the country, the Democrats did nothing to improve education, the Reps and Dems let the middle class decline so now we have a despicable, characterless, narcissistic, greedy, POS President that needs to be impeached because he is attacking the Constitution.

And certain people in this country spent decades cultivating a group of people to convince them to believe greed is good (remember the movie  line) and we do not know what we are doing so we need someone to tell us how to live. And they are now well conditioned including people in Congress that this is right and good. People sit around and wait for crumbs from the bones to fall down on them from the elites and think it is good. They worship this crap. Tell them differently and you are unamerican. They are the people (another movie line) that were shouting out the window I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore. It was good they were mad, heck it is still good. The problem was their anger was mischanneled by the wrong people. They are getting screwed by their own anger. And their anger is so deep and entrenched now, why, because they were ignored for so long, that they blame the people that ignored them (and somewhat rightfully so) over the people who are taking advantage of them. If I tell you who the bad guys are enough you are going to believe it; especially if I tell you, you’ve been wronged and you are good. People like to be flattered, not talked down to.

And the pretentious left keeps piling on to their own stupidity. If you try to tell people that a person they like is bad you are going to have to work with them to get them to realize it. Human nature is if you like a person or relate to them, even if it goes against your own values, they will still protect that person over others accusing them of whatever. Even if they know somewhere deep in their hearts the person in question is wrong, they will still first protect. Why we are wired this way I do not know, but we are. Trump’s base isn’t going to quit on him because someone says he is bad. They are deaf to the noise from the media because the noise from the media is what has hissed them off for years. Trump tells them they are important, he even talks down to people, but laces it with flattery. The media is telling the same people they do not count because they support Trump. Certain people on Fox are telling them they are right, they were discounted as people and they need to stand up with Trump to protect their “interests”. Unfortunately it is not their interests, but the greed and plutocrats interests, but hey that is not important right now, because for now they think it is their interests. The brainwashing continues.

All the while Trump attacks the Constitution daily while his “base” thinks he is attacking the bad people who have ignored and forgotten them. He has tied the destruction of our government and our Constitution into the groups they are hissed at historically. It is working like a charm for him, the alt right, and the plutocrats. The question is will the elitists get tired of him or realize they have bigger problems if Trump takes over and starts making demands on them. Or will greed consume them so they support Trump (his tax or actually Ryan’s tax bill for example) to the point where it is too late for them and we get an actual revolution in this country or another civil war and everything they have is torn apart by the fighting.

Again anger is welling up inside me greatly so I cannot see straight, and I am doing what I say shouldn’t be done and talk down or act like I know more than others. Yet, I believe we need to take strong action to rebuild a better base than Trump’s and get him impeached or out of office and start the work we need to keep this country great.

The plutocrats and the greedy do not care about you, the Constitution, our lives, our way of life, but they have convinced a fair amount of our neighbors that they should be in charge even to their and our detriment. So why when I bring up doing something, whether on this blog, other forums and even in person with people, I get …..crickets…….

I understand when Trump says we need immigration reform, we need to drain the swamp (we do), we need better infrastructure, that these are rational sounding ideas and any hard working American would want certain things, but some of us know this is all part of Trump’s charade. We must fight back with real change ideas and give most Americans a fighting chance for a decent life. Or we can all kiss our country goodbye via Trump’s rear end.

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