Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Going into the deep end for last week recap part 2

I am still trying to wrap my head around last week and we are halfway through this week and it is only getting worse. The Khashoggi story is only intensifying and our lovely President says it was the worst cover up ever. Exactly who is he supporting with this? How about worst tragedy against the press in recent memory? Am I taking this out of context? I do not think so. And he still hasn’t supported major sanctions against the country.
Now Putin says we are no longer a world power and Trump listens well. What the heck does this mean?

Everyone on the planet knows our hugest glaring hypocrisy is undying support of oil over everything else. If we overcome, not our reliance on oil, but our perspective on how we treat the world versus the use of oil then maybe we change much for the better. Yet, our President is a big fossil fuel supporter and is avoiding any major hiccup with the Saud. He says it is to protect American jobs for the arms purchases. And here comes our hypocrisy again, where support of a murderous regime is couched in a bogus job play to the American people. And people will call me un American because I speak the truth.

Oil is not our country. All it takes is to change the verbiage cheap “oil” with cheap “fuel” and you can fast see how unnecessary oil could become if we change to renewable energy. And here is the real rub. Oil is an upside-down pyramid for us, the point of the pyramid pointing in a negative direction. This is fueled by the fours sides of the pyramid all being negative. One side is geopolitical problems we keep getting ourselves into, the second is the pollution oil and oil by products cause, the third is climate change, and the fourth is the cost to the consumer. And the fourth is not just the price of oil and gas, but the healthcare costs because of air and water pollution, the cleanup costs of spills and other pollutants such as the large plastic island in the Pacific Ocean, and a person could go on for a long, long time.

Every product and by product of oil is replaceable except maybe as a lubricant to machinery. And most products that replace the oil by products are recyclable. So, the dynamics of evolving off oil creates many more jobs than we lose by easing off oil. It is the greed of a very small group of people that is destroying this country. Yes, they sell some benefits to a few others who invest in oil this group props up, but overall there is much to be gained and more wealth generation for more people by replacing oil with other products. Plus, the benefits to our health and the environment save untold amounts of money in the future.

And this is just all about the Saudi murder that the above is regurgitated. President Trump then came up with the brilliant statement he should have the armed forces guard the border, build new bases on the border to stop a 5-7000 caravan of potential illegal immigrants. I, for one, agree we need a complete overhaul of our immigration laws. There are some things that must give, we just cannot blindly think everyone coming here has altruistic motives. That is just naïve, but this sending the army to the border is astronomically stupid and a monstrous waste of money. The Wall is a waste of money. The President is a waste of money. We are already running deficits no one can manage. Where does he think the money would come from for his new bases and redeployment of military resources? It is all noise to try and get his base to the polls in a few weeks. And if he did anything we go back to the cost problem.

Can, we the people, sue him for breach of contract. He is the President by God, shouldn’t he be held accountable for truth and proper representation to the people and our values instead of lie after lie. I understand politicians make promises to get elected, but he has gone so far beyond that concept, he is tearing up the contract between our government and the people that the government will protect and serve the people. And most importantly answer to them. He lies with such disregard for the truth. We, the people, have a right to have a President that is held accountable to what he tells us and what he tells us can be backed up with facts. “I have pictures of Comey and Mueller hugging and kissing” Heck, the FBI cannot find any. Theses blanket, irrational base triggers to inflame, lies must be dealt with at some level. And the same goes for Fox News. Can we not sue them for breach of contract to the public also since they call themselves news, but register as entertainment and do not meet the requirements of a true news media outlet? Where is the accountability for this constant barrage of insults to anyone who cares truly about our Constitution, values and country?

And on a side note, what the heck are the Democrats actually going to do? Outside of a rising democratic-socialist platform, they do not know what to do. And the pretentious left keeps stepping on their own toes. Megyn Kelly apologizing for making a blackface comment. Heck she isn’t even part of the pretentious left, but she just jumped right on a slippery slope and landed flat on her behind trying to act like she knew something. She fit right in quicker than quick. The whole pretentious establishment is so lost the dotted lines out of the maze have disappeared.

So Trump cannot get out of his way, the Pretentious left is running around in circles, the Republican leadership cannot make up its mind to either jump fully on board with the part of the party that supports Trump and go off the deep end to hold onto their jobs or what I do not know, Ted Cruz has taken hypocrisy to a new level, stratospheric level that is, and now he makes me want to puke on a minute by minute basis, shoot he was bad enough four years ago; the alt right conspiracy machine is the only job creating machine right now, and speaking of conspiracies; is the immigrant caravan a planned action, where did these pipe bombs come from, how bad is the Saudi thing really, and what will we hear from our President to protect them, John what’s his face is now kowtowing to Putin and finally how owned is Trump by Putin? And the last one isn’t a conspiracy I fear.

And no one knows squat. The market could bounce up or go in free fall due to algorithmic trading. Corporate profits rely on last year’s tax cut to keep stock holders happy, does anyone know how to run a real business, retail is about to crash, Trump wants new tax cuts and last years’ are driving us deeper into debt, God only knows what would happen to Social Security and Medicare if Paul Ryan wasn’t retiring, it is bad enough McConnell is running the Senate so the deal is on the table for the destruction of America’s safety net, Ryan would have sealed it, ripped that to shreds right in front of everyone smiling away saying how great the future will be. I once had hope for him. Calls himself a Christian, and oops do not get me started on the fake Christians or the Evangelical leaders. They are right up there with Teddy Cruz.

And these are just a few of the stories about the meltdown of what was the greatest promise on the planet. And believe it or not, I still have faith we can turn this disaster around, however, the work load keeps piling up to make the changes necessary. If I didn’t have faith, I wouldn’t be angry, but right now the anger is so painful I cannot see past the end of my nose, or feel like I am walking with every step grinding away at the bottom of my feet like rocks cemented into the shoes and those shoes glued to your foot.

And on top of it all the Mavericks blew a 20+ lead in a game and lost. How crazy is that? Even the small insignificant just for fun life is insanely painful.

Have a great evening everyone and especially someone in South Carolina. My advice: stay anonymous, invest in you, invest in the future, invest in society, give to real programs that foster innovation and ways to bring people out of poverty and enjoy life. Cheers!

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