Sunday, June 16, 2019

Now that the day is over

And we didn’t get what we wanted..just kidding, I had a wonderful Father’s Day, lets’ get back to doing what we do best….solving the world’s problems.

And you know what? In one way, it is easy.

Are you tired of the all the geo-political made up oil wars? Well, so am I.

Time to get off oil. So many advantages, new industries, new manufacturing for new industries , no risking lives in crazy parts of the world trying to drill for it and no more manufactured wars so a few people can make billions and a few more make millions all the while propping up despot rulers and the rest of the world manipulated like a puppet show. These wars are old, unnecessary, waste of resources and most importantly waste of human life. For what?


Change the word oil to energy and boom everything oil does we can find a substitute in other forms of energy. Sure it will take a generation, but just moving forward creates more benefits than you can shake a stick at. And we, the United States, will maintain our greatness if we lead the change. If not, we fall behind. Yes, you hear me say this over and over, but aren’t you tired of these manufactured oil wars yet?  If not, why? Why fear change? The history books are littered with civilizations that didn’t make the necessary changes in their time.


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