Friday, June 28, 2019

Why do we struggle with the challenge of human turmoil?

Okay so not:

What is truth? Or What is the meaning of life? Or Who is God? Or Is there a higher purpose?

Or the many questions dealing with why are we here?

But open your blue books and you have fifty minutes to answer the question. Leave them on the desk as you leave the classroom.

I am not going to try and answer the question. I did the hard part and wrote it. Yet, we seem to create our own problems. We, as humans, are quite the mess sometimes, maybe most of the time. There are solutions to the problems we create. Most of them are probably best answered by a third grader. They still see things practically and without prejudices or preconceived notions. By the time you become an adult, you are pretty much screwed.  

And speaking of preconceived notions, I didn’t watch the Democrat debates, yet I know exactly what happened. The Democrats are clueless.

I do ask those of you that watched it, do you have faith in anyone of them to be the standard bearer of the party in 2020? Do you know which one will be able to take the Democrats up a notch? We know Trump took the Republican party down a couple of notches, but some seemed to want to head in that direction. Yet, the Democrats are going to have a hard time finding someone to trounce him significantly. 

If they go too far left, they lose well over half the country. If they try to be moderate, they aren’t strong enough to beat Trump. Trump may not receive half the country’s votes, but he will receive half the votes of people who vote if the Democrats head down the path they are now. 

Bill Clinton was a politician with a personality that knew how to game the system. Obama was an anomaly politically who was very charismatic and a very good speaker.  Does any of the 20 or so candidates give you any inclination they can command a room? Does any of them make you want to stop what you are doing to listen to them? If you answered yes to either question, you already have a stake in that person. The general population will not be able to answer that question. Don’t believe me, get away from the Democrat stalwarts and ask people those questions. You are going to be shocked. Luckily for the Democrats there is still a year to become someone before the convention because even if you win the primaries, if you do not have “it” by May of 2020 Trump is going to trounce you. 

“And bye bye Miss American Pie, I drove my Chevy to the levy, but the levy was dry. Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye singing this will be the day that I die, this will be the day that I die.”  which is fast becoming the theme song for our Constitution..    (special thanks to Don McLean, always loved that song except for the first time I heard it, weird but true)

We need new parties. Think about the ole phrase the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. We have been electing Dems and Reps for decades and yet the middle class has been slowly whittled away, the wealth divide grows, wages compared to inflation are falling, healthcare and higher education costs are destroying families budgets or what is left of a budget, values have flown the coup in Washington DC, and values are under attack all throughout the country, public education is deteriorating, compare us to many other first world nations and we are failing in most categories, yet we work the most and spend the most money, campaign finance reform is a myth yet we need to make major changes in money in politics and we continue to believe the hyperbole of both parties telling us they are the good guys and it is the other guys not helping us. And this happens election after election after election. We are one insane country.

Change is not a four letter word. It takes commitment and work, but it is needed. We need new parties and new leadership. No one wants to hear it, but if you love our country, better believe this is what is needed.

The current version of politics in America is a human turmoil that should be conquered for the benefit of all. 


On a side note, the original question had nothing to do with the political discussion. I just added the half baked tie in at the end because I did.

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