Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy Fourth of July 2019

I hope everyone enjoys the day.

Many years ago the family took a two week family vacation to see many sites. 

We drove through Memphis and spent the day at Graceland.

We enjoyed a long drive through Virginia on the interstate along the Appalachian Mountains.

We spent three days in Washington D. C. with the highpoint watching the fireworks on the Mall. 

We drove to New York and spent two days walking around the city including going to the 911 twin tower site. This was just a few years after the attack so it was a very solemn moment. 

We went to Atlantic City and unfortunately it was raining so we didn’t get to enjoy walking around on the boardwalk at Atlantic City which was something we wanted to do. We did for a few moments, otherwise we stayed at an older hotel, but were able to stay on the top floor so we had a great view over the ocean.

We drove back through Washington D. C. and spent another day sight-seeing and visiting some of the monuments we missed the first time.

After all that we drove home tired, yet having enjoyed a wonderful trip seeing our country. There were so many wonderful moments and sights we saw I could write for pages, yet for now they are in my memories so I can focus on enjoying today.

I have to remember this trip because this is what our country is all about; enjoying the country with family with the opportunity to share so much of its riches with our children.

I bring this up today even though it has been years since that trip because I wanted to think of something positive today since the current event in Washington D. C. has nothing to do with the true essence of our country. Elitism is the anti-thesis to everything this country stands for and I wish the vast majority of our country celebrates locally with family and enjoys the day and appreciates the true values of our country. 


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