Monday, July 8, 2019

Some thoughts,

Never listen to people who have money tell you how to spend your money. And especially if they are telling you how to spend money on your children, because they probably don’t spend that way on their children.

Boggles the mind and I have said this before, why can’t people admit their side made a mistake. Just own up to it. People will hide behind all sorts of madness even when it isn’t them just so some person who doesn’t deserve their trust won’t get into trouble. You see it happen all the time.

Rich people don’t deserve our trust. They became rich in most instances because all they focus on is themselves. Why do people think they are going to help them out?

Can you tell I am skating around the elephant in the room today? I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that one man can hurt so many children and people will protect him without rhyme or reason. Yet, in the past people have gone to some length to protect him. What do they hope to gain? They are only gaining guilt by association if not worse when the real deal comes down. And yet tomorrow someone else will screw up and people will come to their rescue sacrificing their values and integrity for nothing, absolutely nothing.

What gives?

Did you know God is humble? What does God have to prove? God does not have to answer to anyone, so God does not need to act out to prove self is better than others. No image problems, no self worth issues, no pissing contests to see who has the most of whatever, God can just exist for the sheer joy of being with us. Too bad we do not return the favor.

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