Saturday, January 25, 2020

The 2020 random thoughts begin and even one from the paranoid posts

Okay been picking up this morning and went from old Austin Punk rock to Simon and Garfunkel for the music choices. Huge disconnects going on in the world nowadays. Yet, in my warped head which music you listen to doesn’t matter as long as it is good.

Where to start? How ‘bout them Democrats?! or.... hard for me to understand why you would want to shout out the crazy when you are trying to win over an audience. Whether or not someone said if anyone votes against Trump their head will be on a spike it is irrelevant to the case so why bring it up. Let it filter out for the public to hear and let the media bash it to death. Or Nadler insulting people on the first day so much so that our semi illustrious Chief Justice had to participate more than he probably wants to. 

This impeachment never should have happened. The people that support him have gone blind to reality; the Republicans are lining up behind the blind to keep their jobs and as always the Democrats are clueless by letting Trump stand up in front of the nation after all this is done and gloat he is exonerated after the Senate acquits him. Trump is morally bankrupt, devoid of principle, all talk and no action, and a narcissist. Yet there are enough people in this country who won’t accept it because the very same people who will acquit him have failed them to the point they are angry at Washington D.C and have this false belief Trump is going to fix it all. Well, we have mentioned this numerous times so moving on now. The Democrats should be working hard to find someone to ignite their own grassroots movement that actually supports some practical policy to at least move the needle a bit on Trump’s base. Instead, they have gone to multiple grandparents to provide new answers of which they don’t have.
The only way to remove Trump from office is to neutralize his strength which is the anger of millions of Americans that he has now directed at the Democrats and mainstream media. I am not saying he is right, but that is what needs to be addressed. Grandpa or Grandma ain’t going to get you there.

Speaking of moving on the Mavericks had to rather quickly. Dwight Powell had worked his way into being a valuable piece to a playoff-bound team and his efforts to get there need to be recognized. His work ethic is definitely something to praise. Then comes the one second that derails the best of careers; a season-ending injury of major significance. Mr. Powell, we hope that you are able to come back. Your efforts to get you where you are is something all parents need to show their young children who want to be athletes. Mavs fans pray for your complete recovery. 
And yet in sports, the team needs to move on. I am on record as not wanting the Mavericks to make a trade this year. As always rumors start being spun this time of year in the NBA and I hoped they would be ignored by Mr. Cuban and Mr. Nelson. Now we have made two trades, which in reality is one, it took two moves to get there. Apparently, we have or are about to have Mr. Willey Cauley Stein. If Powell wasn’t injured then this would not have taken place. I would have preferred to have maybe gotten lucky and traded for a very young piece who had the same work ethic as Dwight Powell and coached him up. WCS, as he is known in some press reports, fits in some ways. He is somewhat young headed into his prime years. He has talent. The unknown is will he step up his efforts and let the Mavericks game come to him or will he inject sidewise issues into very good team chemistry. Hard to say because he has not been given this opportunity on a team yet, but also he won’t be starting. Which affects him the most will have a telling effect on what he does for the team. Cautiously I will be optimistic based on his talent level and hope the success of the team instills in him the desire to be part of it.

Election year is upon us and I still rant and rave the duopoly of the Republicans and Democrats have failed us. The Impeachment trial is more proof positive of this failure. We need new parties, yet for now, we are stuck again with clueless Democrats and greedy Republicans trying to convince us their incompetence and lies are the answer. Sheesh

Finally today, the paranoid posts rear their ugly head for the first time this year. Is the Coronavirus SARS 2.0, an overreaction, or another Chinese failed development of germ warfare that got away from them? Why is it that two unusual and unique viruses come from the same region and apparently spread quickly around the world? Is this actually what they say, some version of an animal to human virus that mutates or are they doing top-secret work there and someone left the door open? Who knows? Yes SARS and Coronavirus are years apart, but coincidence isn’t always based on time. Let’s hope the paranoia in me is working overtime. 

And I much prefer the Corona virus from Mexico, specifically Corona Familiar, “la cerveza mas fina”. Hmm, I have a few in the frig, oh wait still got a few things to do.


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