Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Outrage du jour--updated

or maybe we are all struggling to find a silver lining right now. Who knows?
Finger-pointing galore and much of it rightfully pointing at Trump goes on every day. Yet it shouldn’t all be at Trump. Again he deserves his fair share and I love it when Diamond and Silk came on Fox and says the whole media thing about the Coronavirus is to make Trump look bad. No, the media isn’t making Trump look bad, he does that well all by himself.
One issue is the media cannot make an objective comment about Trump anymore. I saw a story yesterday where I watched I think it was on CNN actually take something out of context and yet they kept going. They were so busy all patting each other on the back telling us this horrible statement Trump made. And they even showed a good portion of the whole statement but fixated on one sentence.
More proof the Democrats and the left-leaning media are clueless. You don’t have to go full barrel at Trump. He will hurt himself, overly exaggerating his missteps only makes them look bad. Yet they go on and on.
I also posted multiple times, do not impeach him. Stick to an issue-based campaign in 2020. Hit him hard over and over again on his issues especially the infrastructure, wages, the environment, etc because once you get him in a debate he would falter tremendously. The Democrats should be spending this whole year highlighting his lack of morals and his corrupt actions and also fill the airways with his failed policies and promote better ideas. And then, unfortunately, this Pandemic came on, but I hate saying this, it would have been a golden opportunity to display his shortcomings. 
Grotesquely sad but true. I don’t want people suffering, but Trump blew helping this country big time. And yet he can still save face if he does what he needs to do. Too many people have short memories and if the country is mending in October there will be people who will credit Trump. And the Democrats are in no position to stop it. And they are stuck behind this in the news cycle. The Democrats better come up with a game plan of immense proportion and get it out quickly because if they don’t Trump will dominate the headlines even as he fails.

After I wrote this I saw Snopes.com had done a fact check on Trump calling the virus a hoax. They gave it a half-truth. And if you read their reasoning you see again the media being fixated to an extreme. Folks you have to make sure you keep it 100%.

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