Sunday, May 17, 2020

I pray for the surgeon

Trump and his overly religious following of him are a cancer on our society there is no doubt. And yet the Democrats cluelessly think just by beating him in November things will get better. Of course we all worry about the election even being conducted or conducted openly or fairly such as to the fears Trump as created.

Due to the devout belief that Trump is something extraordinary or the chosen one or the greatest President ever or the most maligned President ever or whatever amongst a very large portion of the body politic gives rise to the fear Trump leaving office is going to be a nightmare. Add in the right wing extremists who really don’t care about Trump, but somehow still love him so they can scream about all the enemies they perceive are attacking their rights or whatever madness is in their heads and you can see the nightmare grow. Toss in a few Russian disinformation campaign workers and well the next 6 months or so are going to be a massive dip into uncharted territory. 

Basically we somehow must rid ourselves of one of the worst political cancers this country has faced with extreme caution. Imagine a deadly tumor resting right on the spot where the spine meets the brain or the brain stem. And it has to be surgically removed or the patient (our country) will die or become paralyzed. Yet the surgery it self could paralyze or kill the patient. This is where we are right now. And somehow or another people think Joe Biden is the surgeon we need. Add on the fact this cancer is being fueled by a portion of the body politic, more specifically some Republican Senators, some pundits, extremists, conspiracy theorists and certain elements of the one percenters that is suffering severe DNA damage that just adds or fuels this growing cancer.

Somehow in the next 6 months the general body politic, us the people in large mass, need to find someone we can respect that can overcome the immense amount of hate that will be generated by the current tumor to stay attached to our brain stem. Joe Biden will not be able to come into office and slay this tumor. It will engulf his Presidency as the Trump base never accept any election that doesn’t re elect Trump. No, the person we need would have to be someone that they have no way to attribute any of their hate. And it has to be someone that can garner enough respect across the board to quell broad based dissonance and offer a steady hand to slowly bring some of Trump’s base back to the general body politic and start moving extremism back to the end of the road. 

The tumor will destroy the Constitution and hence the country. There may be something called the United States of America, but the great country this name once represented will be long gone. 

Joe Biden saying he will not pardon Trump is one example he is not the surgeon we need. This is inflammatory to his base and feeds the hate generated by the tumor to stay alive eating away at our brain stem (country and Constitution). 

The chore is to find someone that can get on the ballot either as an independent or somehow we have a brokered Democrat convention that nominates someone that is well known, but so outside the Democratic norm that the machine that fuels the tumor cannot find ways to attack successfully. Their hate fueled DNA would be left helpless and just a bunch of noise with no substance.

This country is in uncharted waters and we need a Captain with a steady hand on the wheel, a willingness to test the new waters, and can guide us through the multiple storms of a pandemic, political turmoil, domestic upheaval, financial malaise, foreign interference and who knows what else. No small feat I must admit. 

I love our country, just a bit worried right now

May I borrow a cup of optimism anyone?

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