Saturday, May 2, 2020


“Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid“...many thanks to Buffalo Springfield

Scary word paranoia and pun intended, yet we are stuck with being cooped up in our houses listening to John Oliver talk about the NRA and vaccines.

Has it really come down to this?

And I am not against people owning guns. I know many and I mean many responsible gun owners. I also have walked through the Texas Hill Country with a handgun in my pocket (yes I said pocket) in case we ran across rattlesnakes or something. Did I mention we were lit beyond belief at 8am? And were you paying attention? I didn’t say I was a responsible gun owner. In fact, I do not own guns, but I have wasted more bullets than I care to think about.’

Anyway, I like John Oliver and that is scary enough. 

Yet here we are today and I mean this with all sincerity; I have to pray that President Trump and a host of Republican Governors are right and it is okay to reopen the country. I do not believe we should. I do not see us as being ready to reopen, but some Governors are reopening their states with Trump’s infamous conditional approval, you know where he gives us the conditions to reopen, but somehow there are tweets to liberate Minnesota and Virginia, etc (he always gives himself an out), anyway, I have to pray they are right and it is okay because if not then thousands to tens of thousands of people will die unnecessarily.  I fear the worst. So, is it paranoia or hey I should jump on the let's go storm the Capitol Building with our guns and demand our states reopen bandwagon just because...well...just because?

There were practical plans that could have been implemented in March so that by the end of May we could have reopened with maybe some control till a vaccine came about. Now? No, let's behave like entitled spoiled brats and not think of our neighbors, but succumb to the one percent’s need for greed. All the people storming the Capitols probably aren’t going to receive any dispensation from the Trump organization when they start dying, but hey they will be considered heroes by him. 

Or am I paranoid? Everything is fine, no one is going to die. Corporations will do right by their employees and all the stories of no protective equipment, no sick leave, no accommodations for spacing, etc are all fake news. Hotspots are a figment of my imagination.   

So I will pray that everyone I distrust and do not like is right, that I am wrong because otherwise the toll of unnecessary deaths would hang heavy on my heart and I rant against this madness daily. Would it theirs? 

No cheers tonight

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