Monday, April 19, 2021

It is a quiet evening now

Ah yes, the blissful sound of sirens roaring by going somewhere because someone decided to be an idiot behind the wheel of a car. Ah yes the the sounds of the night living near the fire station near downtown. 

So this happens all the time, what will happen in the next few days is another story.

I read the charges, the descriptions and what the jury must decide. No matter what someone is going to scream an injustice was done. Or not enough was done. 

And yet if people actually put into practice that simple little phrase, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Or what ever version of the Bible you choose to read’s interpretation of the most basic of human interaction--respect others.

It is all so simple to say, yet as I have said before extremely impossible to put into practice. Why? I do not know. More people screw this up on a daily basis than can be measured. And yet, if we all were to act on this, the world would be a much better place.

No one wants to hear it, but it is the truth. 

I hope a correct version of Justice is reached by the Jury. And I hope that somehow they can go back to their lives and not become the focus of an inordinate amount of hate. They are citizens doing their civic duty. Something we should all respect. They convict the cop, the alt right attacks them, they find the cop innocent or choose the lessor of the charges and more potential unrest escalates. 

Again I hope justice is done. I have my opinion. No one will like it, because right now no one wants to accept the truth, whatever that may be. The key factor is what the jury decides is what will be written as the truth. 

I pray they deliberate well, consider all the facts, weigh the evidence and make a good decision. I also pray they find peace with their decision. They did not choose to be on that jury. They were chosen. 

Be glad you are sitting at home and hopefully you can find peace within you about what you feel is right. No one “deserves” to die. The best we can hope for though is a long healthy life, full of shared love, good times with good memories, and at least a reasonably nice lifestyle. Mr Floyd was robbed of ever getting back to having that opportunity. Mr. Chauvin is on trial for taking life away from Mr. Floyd. We sometimes forget what was taken when we take a life. And for those who may have forgotten, respect of life is for conception to natural death. Did Mr. Floyd die a natural death? The jury will decide and as citizens we are to accept the decision. How many of us will like that decision is a whole different story. They were chosen, it is their decision.

The onus of the work lies with the prosecution. They must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Chauvin had something particular to do with Mr. Floyd’s death. The prosecution though does not make the decision. 

The defense must show doubt. Nothing more. The defense does not make the decision. 

The jury makes the decision, people like you and me chosen to decide the future on one human based on their actions towards another. Again why is it so hard to respect another human being. We wouldn’t be here today if that basic fundamental tenet was lived by all. Yet instead a jury must make a decision about whether one life was interrupted by another. Be glad you are home. 

Once upon a life I was chosen for a jury panel that the death penalty was going to be asked. Certainly not the case in this trial, but when you get to the point of having to decide about another person’s life, you might become a bit self reflective. If you are ever honest with yourself, could you take a life? Hopefully not, yet they are deciding it going the other way. What responsibility does a person have when they have a life at their disposal? Simple answer if you live and practice respect for life. If not, we get a trial.

I hope one day we do reach respect for all life so people aren’t burdened with the hate of others just to make a decision. 

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