Tuesday, April 6, 2021

You can identify the problem, you can identify the solution so wtf

 “...yes, and how many times can a man turn his head and pretend he just doesn’t see

the answer my friend is blowing in the wind the answer is blowing in the wind” Bob Dylan or Zimmerman if you think you are hip.

So let’s make money the number one value; let’s make ignorant entitlement the modus operandi; let’s make hate and violence entertainment; let’s forget where we came from; let’s be shallow; let’s do everything we can to show each other how little we think of them and hey you have your model society. Or apparently some think so. Whaaaaaaaaatttttttt???? that’s a problem???

So if the problem is so easy to be identified, what is the solution, well it is pretty easy to state,...implementing maybe another story

Basically teach children to respect each other, hold them accountable for their actions, and give them a more realistic value system and goals to strive for and hey things can’t be that bad.

Overly simplistic you say? Are you sure?

There are treatises on better, there are books on utopian societies, there is all sorts of isms to make the world better, philosophies, yet, none of them have given us anything better. 

And yet that one simple sentence paragraph above is the most universal truth you can find, but no one wants to make the effort. People will go to the ends of the earth to do damage to people, but show an iota of respect to another person just walking down the street and what gives.

And frankly most people aren’t asinine pricks generally, occassionally we have our moments, but overall most people want some good out of things.

So again, what gives?

And remember this. the only thing the one identity that cannot be named has is deception. And it is not a skill, not a power, not anything extraordinary, just an ability at best. Yet more people will let themselves be deceived than implement that one simple sentence paragraph above. 

So criticize me for being old fashioned, out of touch, not understanding the modern world and I will continue to say just try it and teach it. 

Or you can deal with the total truth of it all.

Happy Easter All

Okay I am a day late and a dollar short.  lol

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