Monday, July 5, 2021

Get a damn robot to do it

Seems simple enough, cannot afford to pay people $15 hour, automate your services. Works until one of three things happen, some cyber criminals hack your system and take down the automated system until  you pay them millions of dollars, they break on their own and no one is educated enough anymore to fix the problem, or people are starving because they have no jobs and rob your store and destroy the automated system.

Sooner or later it will come down to how you treat people, individually and as a society. There are no simple answers and thinking you found one will only cause more problems.

Innovation is great and needed and beneficial, but at some point you have to deal with how does this benefit society as a whole and not just a few people because sooner or later people will demand you pay attention to them. And even the super wealthy cannot hide behind walls or government forever. You may think you can, but humanity has this eerie ability to overcome stupidity, greed and oppression. Sometimes it takes awhile, but it does.

I do have to admit people are fixated on $15 hour. Some geographical areas may need to have a larger minimum wage, some maybe a bit less. We need to get some perspective about cost of living figured in with how much a locale pays as a minimum wage. And for fun, lets lower the income tax rate on the middle class, slightly shift over a bit of this reduction into social security taxes and some back into the pockets of the middle class taxpayer. And as you shift some of the social security taxes to the workers, you can leave the current rate as is for small businesses so they are not burdened with the shift to a living wage. People who scream about raising wages are right, but getting it done requires looking at the larger or overall tax structure to make it work in general. And yes I know, how do we set parameters for what size is a small business to not have their portion of social security taxes raised.

And there was something else I wanted to say. I hate it when I lose track of it when I am mid sentence on the first topic. 

Hope your Fourth of July weekend was wonderful, safe and respectful of others.


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