Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Like everyone else, but still scary when said

 Why is it the party that use to be the champions of pro-life are now the champions of trying to kill themselves?

They use to be law and order, but now they are just “First Order” (okay Star Wars dig), yet seriously what happened to general respect for the rule of law?

What is patriotism anymore? 

Why are people so obsessed with putting their rights over others? Who died and made them king? Again what is patriotism nowadays?

Why are people able to bold face lie to people and get away with it?

The phrase a modicum of decency is now extinct.

Republicans use to say they were the party of religious freedom and supported Christianity. Now they support cultism and demand total adherence to their way of thinking.

How is it in one generation an entire group descends into a total embodiment of everything anti-American? Yet they will spit in your face(figuratively? literally?) if you point this out to them. Probably shoot you too, but I bet you do not have the right to have the second amendment protect yourself against them? 

What drives a human being to totally give up on working with people to solve problems? 

What makes a person think that being in Washington demands more celebrity status than being in Hollywood? You can be known, but known for what. There use to be difference in that Hollywood was for drama. Now drama rules the government. People spend more time trying to get on TV for their job instead of doing it. Yet our country is literally melting right before our eyes. 

How is it the so called leaders of our government, Joe, Mitch, Nancy, Chuck and Kevin are powerless to produce effective public policy? And don’t you say it is the other guy, that is all we have heard for four decades.

And is the above the iceberg or the tip of the iceberg? 

I just don’t know what to say anymore. You read similar to the above all the time, but then you wake up again the next day and the nightmare is still going strong. 

A person tries to hold on to faith and hope, but at this point they seem to be slipping into the darkness of a bottomless pit. 

What gives? 

No worries folks, just feeling a bit melancholy, the fight is always a good fight, but some days, a person would like to see us move in the direction to be the great people we were created to become. Right now, the road seems more rocky than it needs to be. 

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