Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The problem with evolving problems, yet

 The obvious observation is they get worse. Yet they are still a problem and finding a way to stop or resolve the situation would be great. Then again putting a genie back into a bottle hasn’t developed too many success stories.

However for all Donald Trump’s talk, we ain’t so great right now. And okay truly we are in areas not getting any press, but that is another story

The particular complaint of the day is assholes getting paid money to be assholes. The obvious example is Tucker Carlson. The issue is he didn’t just appear out of blue. We have been building up to him for decades.

And there are more examples that permeate our society right now. Millions are online trolls because they have nothing better to do and here is the important part they haven’t been taught any better. And yes I said and meant that. Call me old I don’t care, it is the truth.

The major issue is the jerks getting paid. This occurs on TV, radio, the internet, and anywhere else someone can cram an ad in your face or ear.

It happens in sports, politics, fashion, music, theater, movies, art, food, news etc... and all this came about because we started paying people to be critics. And quite frankly I am okay  with a critic who actually breaks down the endeavor, discusses what works and doesn’t work, even offers an alternative or something to improve that by the end of the discussion or article you have a fairly good idea of what to expect. This can be good, not always but can be good.

Yet us Americans can screw something worthwhile up rather quickly. Soon the critic became a “critic” then it just kept devolving from there. You had to sell your criticisms and to do that you had to make noise and because by and large Americans do not like to make the effort it became easier to denigrate, destroy, disrespect and generally get stupid so people would want your opinion. People love train wrecks so when people started getting paid to create train wrecks it generally lead to more and more people wanting to create train wrecks. 

Sure they couch it in opinion articles or talk radio or TV shows, but it is still out to create a train wreck so someone can make money. 

Decades of this devolving medium and now we have Tucker Carlson or sports writers marching Simon Biles to internet hades or Congress people trying to create rock star tours all without filters and accountability. 

And on top of all this are corporations  or organizations making an inordinate amount of money.

And that genie is way out of the bottle. It wouldn’t hurt if we could go back to holding people accountable for what they said, or punishing people for their out right lies, but as long as someone can get filthy rich this problem will continue to roll down hill like the proverbial snowball getting larger and larger. One day that sucker is going to hit something and God only knows what that will look like. 

Solving the problem this far down the road seems impossible, but if we could somehow hold the money behind some of this madness accountable for what they are paying for, then at least we might be able to melt down some of that snowball before it is too late.

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