Saturday, August 14, 2021

solving “zero” world problems

 yet not solving real world or first through third world problems.

Yes, I saw a commercial for beer for dogs. Who on this planet thinks this is something we need or even want? I understand we live in a commercial society and selling products create jobs and increase the economy. Yet, beer for dogs and not even with alcohol, which is good for the dogs, but completely worthless to anyone even the dogs. Someone went to the trouble to create this just to make money, but at least create or invent something that has some viable purpose. A beer for dogs and with no alcohol is consumerism gone more than bad. 

So someone thought they could make money because people think spoiling their dogs is more important than developing better or more efficient ways to feed people, or build better buildings or bridges, or more ecological  friendly desalination plants, or create better healthcare policies, or what the Scottish did with building tidal driven turbines for electricity, or food we can eat with less chemicals or basically finding ways to get fresh food back into cities effectively, or finding ways to help alleviate flooding and moving water to places where it is needed, or any other numerous needs that will better our planet and help people.

And yes I know this is a this is a fighting windmills argument, but some of us need to address better use of consumerism to continue to allow us to have an expanding economy and still do something productive for mankind in general. And the irony is I could probably better use my time than write this fantasy, but what the heck.

Or we can let pet rocks rule our world.

Also prayers and help for the people of Haiti, boy do they need more than we can imagine right now.

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