Tuesday, October 24, 2023

No Labels, exactly what are they and for me this is more of the same nonsense that isn’t going to produce anything and is a big waste of time,,,,but don’t you want new parties you ask?

Yes I do want new parties, but from the little bit I have read they really aren’t a new party even though they are trying to get on ballots in states as if they are a political party. You cannot make any headway or productive change if you just try to upset the apple cart in one election. As of this morning they are on the ballot in 14 states and do not have a ticket yet. Not having named candidates right now though isn’t an issue. Shoot the Dems and Reps haven’t had one primary vote yet so No Labels does not need to be in a hurry.

And what really irks me about all the No Labels talk is that this is a broken record. Does anyone remember American Elect? And yes the exact same Democrats who were against them are against No Labels because they are afraid that they will siphon votes from the Democratic Candidate which is presumable Joe Biden, but not guaranteed yet. Essentially the Democrats fear any moderate candidate outside of them is not good for them. Yet if they had done what is right for the working and middle class all along these attempts at independent candidates would gain no head way. So first they should not be allowed to prevent No Labels from being on the ballot anywhere because second their failure here is their own fault. And going back to first point, it is un-American to deny people the right to be on a ballot unless they try to shoot themselves onto it.

And going back to American Elect moment in time I wrote a post on this blog on December 30, 2011 and a follow up on January 01, 2012. You can go back and check me, however basically I was against the run back then for the same reasons now. You cannot make significant change in the body politic of our country just by electing an independent candidate to the Presidency. Why, well you need a political party in Congress to help support your legislative agenda. Much as the two major parties are failing with new initiatives right now, to get legislation passed you need to have someone bring a bill to the floor of the House and Senate.  Here is one paragraph from the previous post”

            Now back to the comments about the America Elect process. I am not going to get into the splitting of the vote, CNN and others are pretty ramped up about that. And yes it could be a concern, but lets take a look at the America Elect group actually winning. The problem is that they have no other support. Legislation gets passed when you have support in Congress and most of the time that comes from your own party. American Elect is not trying to create a third party so they run into a huge wall when dealing with Congress if they win the Presidency.  This would create a gigantic stalemate or even something more interesting where Republicans and Democrats agree on some issues and pass what they want and override Presidential vetos left and right (pun intended). So the goal of America Elect is thwarted by the very group they are trying to by pass to run this country. Basically we get more of the current situation which is partisan arguing and no real and new policy development. And if you are a libertarian you might be able to claim victory this way if the government cannot do anything for four years.

I just copied and pasted and even left the misspelled word from the original post. Here we are almost 12 years later and no one has figured out that to overcome the current morass in Congress you need to bring in full scale change. Well maybe some people have figured that out, but no one is doing anything about it. Go back to my blurb about this blog” an editor is worth their weight in gold, too bad I have neither.” If I had the gold I would at least try to pull something together because I obviously need the editor to make sense of my thoughts to get people to make changes, yet again almost 12 years ago I saw the same attempt as No Labels, explained why it would fail if they won and yet here we go again with no change that would be successful. Anyone wonder why I walk the thin line of madness?

Also if you do go back and read the full two parts of the post it also contains a small history of third parties in the United States. And if you are reading this on Tumblr or Wordpress, you will have to go to blogger or blogspot or whatever to read the original. I basically do the same blog on three platforms, but did not start the other two until sometime later.

No Labels is a waste of time and money, no matter how sincere they may be. If we want real change, we need to do real work. Where is the gold?

No cheers, this is maddening. 

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