Friday, October 20, 2023

Okay this time I’m not critical and other thoughts


So I read a story by Jay Caruso in the Washington Examiner titled “The House Freedom Caucus Chickens have come home to roost” and it is written before the third vote for Jordan’s attempt at being Speaker. I have to say I like what he says. Here we have someone in the Examiner laying out exactly what has happened. It isn’t earth shattering reporting or opinion, just some plain facts and thoughts as to as why the Speakership is in such turmoil.

He mentions that Jordan may eventually win, but since this was written before the third vote I do not see how that is going to happen. And he asks even if he were to win, what kind of governing coalition will he have. Since it doesn’t look like he will win since he lost three more votes Friday morning, I am feeling better about what that coalition might have looked like.

Yet here we are. The Freedom Caucus members do not seem like they want to budge since they do not want to support the interim Speaker’s powers be expanded, but they have no plan. Nothing, nada, squat, diddly squat, big bag of nothing is the plan being put forth by them. They do not want to accept any compromise or work with the Democrats to do anything. It boggles the mind that they cannot just accept something to get a portion of what they want to move on some issues. And this is pretty much the point of the article I read, that they apparently have no idea what they can do.

And unfortunately the members trying to find a way forward with some attempt at conservative policy are attacked, berated, stymied, harassed, and the madness goes on. Mr. Caruso goes through these points that the House Freedom Caucus lost either the will or the ability to do the real work to get conservative policy enacted. Now to me that seems like a lost dream.

And switching gears the legal news is not going well for one Mr. Donald Trump. Will the New York Judge overseeing his business trial slap consequences on him for maintaining or not taking down something from one of his websites that was ordered two weeks ago? I haven’t seen any actual fine or jail time perpetuated on Mr. Trump yet, but keeping an eye on the news today.

Second two of his attorneys in the Georgia case have now pleaded guilty with Chesebro’s plea coming today. This could start heading further south than the Gulf of Mexico fast.

And with Jordan’s Speakership potentially fading into a footnote of history, Mr. Trump’s influence on everything but his supporters is one heck of a leaky ship out there in the aforementioned Gulf.


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