Thursday, August 29, 2024

If you believe in climate change or global warming, then I have a monstrous infrastructure project for you to solve the problem

 It is pretty straight forward. You just need to cover large swaths of American Highways and major city arteries with coverings that alternate having solar panels on top and heat absorbing tiles or other substance. And all the solar panels are plugged into charging stations for electric vehicles then the remaining electricity generated is sent to the overall electric grid.

You can alternate one mile of coverage with solar panels and then one with the heat absorbing texture. And the electricity generated can help pay for the project. It won’t cover the full costs yet as you build the cost is somewhat offset. And then it allows ongoing income to help maintain our highways and these coverings so tax dollars can be spent elsewhere once they are built.

One way to start is to sell revenue bonds and use the income to pay back the bonds.

Just a thought on this hot August afternoon.


Monday, August 26, 2024

I know this is redundant, but I just saw the craziest thing on “X” (Twitter)


Okay I do not talk about faith, religion, God much, however I am a bit more involved with Church than I let people know.

Yet just a few minutes ago I was scrolling through X when I ran across one of those end of the world accounts. My curiosity has always been piqued by end of the world people mainly because they always reference the end times from the Bible, yet Jesus Christ himself said you will not know the hour of my return. So another words they just make stuff up to try and convince you that the end is near and you should do something about it. Mostly repent which isn’t going to kill you, but everything they say that goes along with this just baffles my mind.

I won’t give you a homily right now, just know it is more what you do for God that gives you a better chance to get to Heaven than worrying about the end of the world.

I did not have much religion so to speak when I was young, it was a bit close to the idea that if we don’t beat God into you then you are going to hell. Never attracted me much, but end times people always were near the Southern Baptists or Church of Christ crowd so I would hear about it occasionally as someone would try and convince people of their assurances the time to repent was nigh and so on. And ever since my ears would pick up a bit, not much, but some when the end times were discussed.

Which leads me to a dangerous obsession with “X” on occasion. There are quite a few end times posters and they always have a following so anytime they post something you can crawl down quite a few rabbit holes as people post all sorts of “information” that reinforces what they tell each other, yet here we are, still not sure when the world is going to end. Not sure what is worse the Umbrella Academy or the end times people on “X”. Not a bad show, but weirdly gross graphics and petered out at the end. And the world didn’t end no matter how many apocalypses they survived.

Anyway so traveling through a “X” land rabbit hole I ran across a post that had a video and the caption on the video is “The one world church is being born”. Also in the post itself it references Revelation 17 and that time is short. Now I watched this 53 second video and yes this is about the one church, or more specifically the Catholic Church who says we are the one church and everyone needs to come back,,, yet, yet, yet… the Catholic Church has been around 2,000 years give or take a day or two. At first I got the impression this person thought this video was announcing something or was the beginning of something, I am not quite sure. I pulled up their posting history and this person talked much about Israel and all this is going on over there right now and was pretty much on top of it daily. So you have to give them credit for paying attention and picking a cause to follow, but this person was emphasizing the war aspect and things were moving fast.

Going back to the video, this is what floored me. This was a video of the National Eucharistic Conference in Indianapolis that occurred in July. And it was a great quick video recap of the event. So now I am trying to figure out how this person has taken this video of the one world church is being born and exactly what does this person think is going to happen here. Or the other madness is the Church may have produced this with the one world church is being born caption, which confuses me in other ways.

The Eucharistic Conference was the celebration of the body, blood soul and divinity of Christ and Catholics have been celebrating this for two thousand years again give or take a day or two.

So going back to the post it stated Scripture is playing out before us. Revelation 17  and then says time is short. The person does not reference if this person knows this is the Catholic Church and is saying the Church is the famous prostitute or if they think this church is the beginning of the one world church being born. I do not study the end times literature in depth, I just plunk along through their posts so maybe there are other references one of the enlightened would know, however to me it is crazy that something celebrating the beginning of Christianity, the institution of the Eucharist is now referenced as the end time by people who call themselves Christians. Or maybe it is the end times, because this is some crazy madness. And again if the Church is saying one world church being born, maybe they need to review their own history.

Moral of the story, turn off “X” before dark or just don’t sign on.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Solution to our problems number 17,523


Well the Democrats ended their convention last week and they think they know it all. Of course the Republicans did too a month ago. So let’s get down to real problem solving.

Aren’t you tired of all the crap where people make bank just making stuff up.  Seriously it has become more than a cottage industry. There are fortunes being make by people lying through their teeth and having no accountability for what they say, the consequences or even just common decency.

So what to do?

Let’s just sue people that make up stuff with made up stuff. What, they are going to throw the suit out of court? No you put it into the suit that this person has no regard for the truth so you can sue them for whatever you want, claiming whatever you want and just throw their logic in the face. Have the suit state you are suing the person because they lied so you are lying about them so either they have to accept the lies about them or answer to their lies. Tricky wording here, but I hope you get the gist.

Someone starts making money off a blog or podcast just creating rambling conspiracy theories, so you create a conspiracy theory about them then sue them for it stating you have been harmed by the conspiracy theory you created. And when they balk just say, you have no recourse since you just did the same thing to someone else. Hence they have to retract their conspiracy theory or your suit holds water.

Truthfully I do not know how many Judges would want to jump on this grenade, but hey you never know. Since the Republicans are good at Judge shopping maybe we can find some Libertarian Judge who would love to hear this argued out. All you have to do is win one and then let the floodgates open. Encourage people to file frivolous suit after frivolous suit on these conspiracy theorists until they are litigated off the internet.

Anyway just a thought on this hot and not so wild August Sunday night.

Also I tweeted or “X”ed about John Oliver and what is a successful presidency, please find and like.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Everyone is talking about Joe, so let’s talk about term limits


Now why would I go there? Mainly because of Joe or rather how old is Joe.

First of all I am against term limits. It seems to me to be the lazy way out of getting rid of bad politicians, yet we do have too many politicians who are older than dirt.

So what to do. I watched President Biden’s speech from last night this morning. Sorry I tried to stay up and watch it, but every time I switched over to a news channel to watch it someone else was speaking. For the life of me I cannot figure out why he came on so late. Were they that scared he may have a too many gaffe problem? I hope not. They could have saved time and not had Ms. Clinton speak. The Democrats hurt their chances anytime she shows up.

Since I am an independent conservative I am not too fond of hearing Biden tout his record, but what the heck, he deserves to and I mean that. Which brings us back to the term limits or hopefully lack thereof.

Term limits hurt politicians who turn out to be good public servants. Woefully they are few and far between. Term limits would limit the damage performative politicians like Matt Gaetz and MTG by limiting their time in office, but that is being lazy. A well educated electorate is the answer to the performative politician unfortunately we don’t have a well educated electorate.

And that is one of problems of the duopoly. They don’t want a well educated electorate. People who asks serious questions of politicians expecting them to be good public servants are a hindrance to people who want to be in power for power’s sake or their own brand or their own milking the system or whatever they may do.

Yet term limits are not the answer. Again I do not agree much with Joe Biden’s policies, yet he truly has made a career of being a public servant who tried to in his opinion to create good public policy. It is better to have someone make the effort, or according to his words “give it his best” then make compromises as necessary than to kick someone out who is doing a good job because they have run the term limit gambit.

The jerks, losers, greedy, etc should never get in office in the first place, but people will say that person is okay because they vocally support the correct policies or my side instead of making the effort to find someone with integrity who will support their side and policies and actually attempt to write the laws that work for their side or policies. And please note I wrote “vocally” support. As Joe said last night, I mean that. Basically they give lip service to something they care absolutely nothing about to obtain power for their benefit. I do not care to guess how many pro lifers there are who basically have no idea what it means to be pro life, but damn it helps them to win elections in certain areas of the country.

So again the lack of a well educated electorate bug a boo gets in the way.

And that is why I say term limits are the lazy way to deal with bad politicians. It takes work to educate the electorate including by having a good public education system. And then teaching people critical thinking skills seem to be impossible in this country, yet it would strengthen our democracy more than any campaign promise you will hear over the next two and a half months.

If people were able to truly comprehend what was crap coming out of someone’s mouth, then we could move this country forward like never before. Yet people do not want to spend the time. And again, if they also spent the time finding people of integrity to run, it would make this a bit easier.

Our country is great for quite a variety of reasons, including the ability of well intentioned politicians to compromise occasionally to come up with workable public policy. None of us will get everything we want because we are a very diverse country, so it is better to determine what is the most important issues facing this country then work together to address them. We do not want one side becoming too powerful because that eventually hurts the country. At times a more liberal approach may be needed, other times a more conservative approach, but neither should dominate or we take away what makes us great, not just the diversity but the diversity of ideas on how to solve problems. In the long run, the best idea should be made into law and executed to it’s best potential. And then time changes and new ideas will be needed.

And when those new ideas are needed a well educated electorate will find the new people to take on those challenges. Sometimes some of the older politicians will be able to make those changes and sometimes they will need to be voted out so fresh people can create the changes needed and this goes for both conservative and liberals.

Joe Biden gave fifty years of his life to politics, you can argue whether that is true public service or not is okay, but Joe Biden did serve the public with his life. Sometimes we need people like that to know how to steer laws into existence, to know how to talk to the other side to get things done, to realize when to make a push for something or when to stand down and let another person take charge.

For every reason you do not like Joe Biden or like Joe Biden, his career proves that we do not need term limits, just people who make the effort and which also means most importantly the voters.

Friday, August 16, 2024

The obvious Trump problem


Recently I talked about Trump might be on a collision course with himself and that problem is very real.

Yet there is the Trump problem the Republicans have no answer. Trump is old. And even though some doctors have come out publicly saying he is in good health. Visually hard to say. He is 78, appears overweight and you have to wonder does he have high blood pressure since he is always upset at something.

Joe Biden’s debate showing helped the Democrats solve their old guy problem in time. They were able to move Harris up before the actual nominating convention. So no matter what Trump says about a coup removing Biden, they are good to go with Harris since there was time before the convention for a case to be made by someone else. The Democrats fell in line timely and so Harris can move forward with confidence.

Yet what happens if Trump cannot move forward? Let’s say he has a stroke. He is still alive, yet how is his capacity? What happens if he passes away? Can the Republicans replace him at this point? There is one argument they cannot. And if they do replace him, is it Vance? Must it be Vance? And if not Vance, who then?

What happens if he collides with himself and becomes a complete mockery of himself or says something that even the MAGA world cannot accept?

The Republicans are so far down the path with Trump, what would they do if Trump couldn’t continue. I don’t think they know. And the irony is all the things Trump saying the Democrats shouldn’t be able to change their ticket and it is a “coup” or whatever, what would Trump say if the Republicans feel forced to remove him from the ticket. The madness that would erupt from Trump being removed no matter how obvious he needs to be is humorous and yet very scary.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Stepping out into the modern world

I just finished recording my first podcast. I tried doing it all myself, but you know us old timers need help.

Anyway it is now live on Youtube, under the dallasareaopinion name. There are some older podcasts from another set of people, but the one I did today is all me.

Since I tried to do it all myself that includes editing so my learning how to do this is a work in project. If you get a chance please listen and let me know your thoughts, (outside of I need a better editor. Lol)

It is titled “if it ain’t socialism, it isn’t socialism”


Friday, August 9, 2024

Trump is on a collision course with himself and other madness


I am not sure if I heard that phrase Trump is on a collision course with himself specifically, or if others are talking about the same thing. I do feel that my interpretation might be different.

And it was this thought or the way the phrase is stated and another thought that I cannot get into because it would say too much. These are the kind of things you wonder how original am I. Again I do not think I am the only who said Trump is on a collision course with himself, but cannot put my finger on where. Or did I hear something similar, yet different in meaning.

Well anyways Trump is on a collision course with himself. Of course not the literal kind where he is going to crash into something. This is an internal kind, one you cannot put your finger on. Will we see it? Probably not, but we may see the aftermath of it. In fact we probably will, but we won’t know what the aftermath looks like until it happens. It could take on many shapes. There could be many results.

And I am not talking about some kind of public meltdown, yet that could be one of the results. No this is internal deep. He has been trying to manipulate the world around him and his appearance in it for so long that one day he may wake up and realize like the rest of us, we or in in this case him are not in control.

He has built his life up in himself to such a state that if he were to ever realize everything he feels about himself is incorrect, or more harshly a fraud then the cognitive dissonance in his brain would be well mind shattering. Will this happen? We don’t know, yet more and more there are signs around the edges that you can see, figuratively of course, the headlights of the two trains heading towards each other. Right now I could not tell you if they are coming at each other at breakneck speed, and we are only at the point where you just see two very different headlights at a great distance on opposite horizons heading towards a center point, a point of collision.

People have longed talked about Trump coming to grips with himself. I don’t think Trump can come to grips with himself. That would mean he could get through the process of self realization. No Trump is unable to deal with self realization. Self realization being the concept, change can happen afterwards. He is way beyond that. This is going to be a collision and it will be a train wreck afterwards if and when it happens. To be honest I have no guarantee that it will happen, but right now watching him gives me the visual of those two distant headlights headed towards each other.

There is nothing concrete I can say that will point you to my hypothesis about him. Quite frankly most of his public appearances, tired as they may, show him to be the same ole Donald Trump. A bit more tired, a bit more old, yet he is the same Donald Trump he has always been. Does he see himself as a savior? I don’t know, but he relishes in other people seeing him in such a way so he does everything or says everything he can to give off that impression. And many people have spoken of his narcissistic personality, but that is just one aspect of the collision. Say it is one of the cars on one of the trains, maybe one of the heavier ones or maybe even one of the fuel cars that is fed into one of the engines headed towards the other train.

A person does not build up a character like Donald Trump without having many internal safeguards in place, many personas to show the world. We all know how he projects himself as a savior, only he can fix things, only he knows what the answer is, you can only rely on him to get it done, everyone else needs him to be successful. To convince yourself to project in such a way you either have to be truly disconnected from reality or you have layered your brain with so many lies to yourself you no longer understand who you are. And I think he fits into the latter.

Trump appears to know what he needs to say or at least did in 2016 to get people’s attention. He has a grasp on what is going on in the world and he is able to manipulate information to facilitate his appearance of being the guy you want to be in charge. Somewhere he knows there is a reality he needs for him to be a successful Donald Trump. It is the lies he has told himself for decades is what I am worried about for him.

Like I mentioned before, this is not something you are going to see, but once one domino falls in his brain, once he realizes he no longer believes in one lie, one barrier he has put up to get him through the day, other barriers will start not to fall, but shatter. And that shattering will be enormous each one busting through to the next one. He will fight it, but there will be no way to put on the breaks. The trains will hit the collision point. We can only fear how that will look.


And then there is the other thought I had the other day that I did not mention. So I am trying to figure out what does anything mean when you think of something and you can’t put your finger on where you may have heard it or is it an original thought. Yet when said to yourself, it is so obvious you think someone one surely must have said it or written about it and you just haven’t run across it.

I know I am not well read. And lately one of my goals is to try and dedicate two hours a day, every day to reading more. So far, goal not reached. And having a thought where you know it had to have been said, leaves you going I should be reading more. A bit of a vicious circle. And as for that other thought, I am not ready to say it out loud. It is pretty scary. Or at least for me internally. And it is not a political or internal life revelation, it carries quite an enormous punch in how a person can view life. So it scares the fecal matter out of me.


And for a final note; I am impressed with people who can write stories that flow back and forth between multiple time lines. All my stories are linear. Sure some of the longer ones have flashbacks, but even those are within the context of the story. Writing parallel universes is difficult and I am sure if I put my mind to it I could fake it, so I am impressed with authors who can weave multiple stories into one and move about them freely and somehow keep each separate and only have them touch where they need to. I am trying to write a novel write now where two worlds exist, but only one is where the story is happening. The other world is secondary and at times where flashbacks occur. And for this story I really don’t need to pull this talent of writing mentioned into it, it just made think about how others can do it successfully. The story I am working on is just fine in primarily one world and only needing the second one to fill in gaps for the primary story or to illustrate more about the main character. There is no second story going on. It is still a start to finish on one track story.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Woke politics has created a label culture problem


Good morning all,

Just thought I would throw that in since being polite in American politics has been thrown out with the bath water.

It seems that no one can do anything without a label being attached as to the why that was done or happened.

Harris picks Walz and now she is anti-sematic. Or everyone is making a big deal about Shapiro being a “jew”, not Jewish or a person of Jewish faith, he is a “jew” as if that is supposed to mean something.

And if you criticize Harris you are racist or misogynist, God forbid it has something to do with she is a liberal and some people do not like her policy ideas.

Are there some people who are going to criticize her just because she is a woman or non-white? Yes. And by the way what do we call bi racial people nowadays? Bi-racial?  Or has a new term sprung up that we can all label people. Some of my children are multi ethnic and they have struggled with what to put on forms when the question of race is asked. Other was a choice for them for years.

Labels are a problem and have been since someone looked at someone else thousands of years ago and said you look different. Unfortunately then they decided the other person was a problem because they looked different and here are half the problems of human history defined.

And then there is the split where people like creating labels so they can be identified which brings us back to the problem mentioned in the above paragraph or others who try to white wash labels in some kind of hackneyed approach to avoiding the reality we are all different.

And labels have become the tool of hate now for so many people. People use labels indiscriminately just to justify how they feel about something or to make themselves feel better. There are no filters and people don’t seem to care. Even the people being labeled appear to relish in the monikers thrown at them or relish in the victimhood mentality. And this means when real problems arise people gloss over them. Or another words there are real racists out there, but so many people play so many games you have a hard time distinguishing idiots from racists. And yes I know some of you will tell me they are one and the same. Maybe so, but there are people who make a living off their racism, exploiting ignorance and idiocy etc and those people need to be addressed different from the idiots. Education can help the idiots, hate filled racism takes a whole different approach.

Yet using labels can make it hard to distinguish who is who in the above horror. Everyone uses labels so indiscriminately that we cannot get past the name calling to solve problems or even talk to one another.

I really do not know what to do, but I am tired of reading so much hate just because one person made a decision and no one can accept that person made that decision based on what may be best or at least workable for the decision maker.

Labels nowadays create too many presumptions.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Another quick hit on the Democrats and Trump-election 2024


On a site called “The Telegraph” Tom Harris wrote an article I totally am in sync. Some people get upset because I am always calling the Democrats clueless.

This article states out my case rather well. I found it on one of the websites that hosts news stories and articles from original media and conglomerates them on their website. No names as always, they ain’t paying me to advertise.

Anyway the blurb states it is a four minute read, yet it makes a solid point that the Democrats are starting to make the same mistakes they made in 2016. If you get the chance, check it out.
