Sunday, August 25, 2024

Solution to our problems number 17,523


Well the Democrats ended their convention last week and they think they know it all. Of course the Republicans did too a month ago. So let’s get down to real problem solving.

Aren’t you tired of all the crap where people make bank just making stuff up.  Seriously it has become more than a cottage industry. There are fortunes being make by people lying through their teeth and having no accountability for what they say, the consequences or even just common decency.

So what to do?

Let’s just sue people that make up stuff with made up stuff. What, they are going to throw the suit out of court? No you put it into the suit that this person has no regard for the truth so you can sue them for whatever you want, claiming whatever you want and just throw their logic in the face. Have the suit state you are suing the person because they lied so you are lying about them so either they have to accept the lies about them or answer to their lies. Tricky wording here, but I hope you get the gist.

Someone starts making money off a blog or podcast just creating rambling conspiracy theories, so you create a conspiracy theory about them then sue them for it stating you have been harmed by the conspiracy theory you created. And when they balk just say, you have no recourse since you just did the same thing to someone else. Hence they have to retract their conspiracy theory or your suit holds water.

Truthfully I do not know how many Judges would want to jump on this grenade, but hey you never know. Since the Republicans are good at Judge shopping maybe we can find some Libertarian Judge who would love to hear this argued out. All you have to do is win one and then let the floodgates open. Encourage people to file frivolous suit after frivolous suit on these conspiracy theorists until they are litigated off the internet.

Anyway just a thought on this hot and not so wild August Sunday night.

Also I tweeted or “X”ed about John Oliver and what is a successful presidency, please find and like.


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