Monday, August 26, 2024

I know this is redundant, but I just saw the craziest thing on “X” (Twitter)


Okay I do not talk about faith, religion, God much, however I am a bit more involved with Church than I let people know.

Yet just a few minutes ago I was scrolling through X when I ran across one of those end of the world accounts. My curiosity has always been piqued by end of the world people mainly because they always reference the end times from the Bible, yet Jesus Christ himself said you will not know the hour of my return. So another words they just make stuff up to try and convince you that the end is near and you should do something about it. Mostly repent which isn’t going to kill you, but everything they say that goes along with this just baffles my mind.

I won’t give you a homily right now, just know it is more what you do for God that gives you a better chance to get to Heaven than worrying about the end of the world.

I did not have much religion so to speak when I was young, it was a bit close to the idea that if we don’t beat God into you then you are going to hell. Never attracted me much, but end times people always were near the Southern Baptists or Church of Christ crowd so I would hear about it occasionally as someone would try and convince people of their assurances the time to repent was nigh and so on. And ever since my ears would pick up a bit, not much, but some when the end times were discussed.

Which leads me to a dangerous obsession with “X” on occasion. There are quite a few end times posters and they always have a following so anytime they post something you can crawl down quite a few rabbit holes as people post all sorts of “information” that reinforces what they tell each other, yet here we are, still not sure when the world is going to end. Not sure what is worse the Umbrella Academy or the end times people on “X”. Not a bad show, but weirdly gross graphics and petered out at the end. And the world didn’t end no matter how many apocalypses they survived.

Anyway so traveling through a “X” land rabbit hole I ran across a post that had a video and the caption on the video is “The one world church is being born”. Also in the post itself it references Revelation 17 and that time is short. Now I watched this 53 second video and yes this is about the one church, or more specifically the Catholic Church who says we are the one church and everyone needs to come back,,, yet, yet, yet… the Catholic Church has been around 2,000 years give or take a day or two. At first I got the impression this person thought this video was announcing something or was the beginning of something, I am not quite sure. I pulled up their posting history and this person talked much about Israel and all this is going on over there right now and was pretty much on top of it daily. So you have to give them credit for paying attention and picking a cause to follow, but this person was emphasizing the war aspect and things were moving fast.

Going back to the video, this is what floored me. This was a video of the National Eucharistic Conference in Indianapolis that occurred in July. And it was a great quick video recap of the event. So now I am trying to figure out how this person has taken this video of the one world church is being born and exactly what does this person think is going to happen here. Or the other madness is the Church may have produced this with the one world church is being born caption, which confuses me in other ways.

The Eucharistic Conference was the celebration of the body, blood soul and divinity of Christ and Catholics have been celebrating this for two thousand years again give or take a day or two.

So going back to the post it stated Scripture is playing out before us. Revelation 17  and then says time is short. The person does not reference if this person knows this is the Catholic Church and is saying the Church is the famous prostitute or if they think this church is the beginning of the one world church being born. I do not study the end times literature in depth, I just plunk along through their posts so maybe there are other references one of the enlightened would know, however to me it is crazy that something celebrating the beginning of Christianity, the institution of the Eucharist is now referenced as the end time by people who call themselves Christians. Or maybe it is the end times, because this is some crazy madness. And again if the Church is saying one world church being born, maybe they need to review their own history.

Moral of the story, turn off “X” before dark or just don’t sign on.

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