Thursday, February 28, 2013

Can we sequester the government?

As a whole no doubt, but...

Anyway been trying to avoid the topic, mainly because it has become the same old piece of crap argument now for months.

And anybody with any iota of common sense can think of a thousand ways to bring sanity to our federal budget. Back in November I started talking about stair stepping our way over the cliff, the other day I was talking to someone and we were agreeing just some basic consolidation to get started would help. It seems we have been adding a new department for every new bill for decades now. Maybe an exaggeration, but hell, there are so many government departments I am not sure Congress could reduce the size of government because they don't know what they have.

And we do need to reduce the size of our government, I bet even moderate liberals are ready to see the government more manageable, it is just that the Republicans can't see past the end of their ego to actually put forth a program that would win back support for a conservative agenda. Same old dead horse here, but realistically most people are ready to hear our elected officials come up with something that makes sense instead of all the blame and finger pointing. Both sides of the aisle have failed us tremendously.

And for ideas, there is so much cream off the top to reduce spending we could do a slow manageable pull back without really dipping into the actual services offered people for a couple of years. It just takes some thought. Again some basic consolidation, let some attrition happen, especially at the higher pay grades, and still be able to offer government employees a reasonable salary over time. Take small percentages off the top of the overall budget just to make managers etc plan better budgets. And again I think no services would be reduced with some planning. This happens for the first two years giving a responsible set of elected officials time to work on the harder problems. And if the people demand it, we could get real spending cuts. The problem with the Republicans is they want to cut spending without dealing with the problems all this spending was suppose to fix, especially in the entitlement game. Democrats act like spending cuts will destroy the economy and unfortunately they have a bit of political momentum, but realistically we need to cut back. Yes we could raise a bit of revenue to get started, but long term it has to be the reduction of the size of the government, reduction of the size of debt and interest payments, and finding ways to solve problems at the local and state level. We can't ignore issues like poverty or horrid public education, but we can find better ways to attack the problem.

I feel that the federal government should set policy not try to fix everything. We do need a strong federal government in the modern world, but we don't need it in everybody's business. Learning how to balance a federal government to address domestic problems and be strong enough to address world threats is a possible goal, but this shouldn't cost an arm and a leg. And for world threats, this does encompass dealing with unimaginable threats as time goes along. So being flexible, not large is what we need.

And this is why I have been avoiding the topic of what is suppose to happen today/tomorrow or whenever. My thoughts run crazy and hard to keep them in line.

So back to my first point, common sense rules. You can talk to most anybody and they have an idea of what to do. So the blame game and the its your fault game etc is tiring to hear over and over again. Maybe we don't have all the right answers, but we have answers and it seems more than Congress and the President.

Remember the movie from the 80's I think it was called Network, where the main character wants everyone to yell out the window I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore. Looking at the situation now, it seems he was right and we are thirty years behind the curve. Unfortunately solving the problem takes more than yelling out the window.

Spring is around the corner, the yard is full of weeds, and there isn't enough green in the wallet to take care of it all.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, February 22, 2013

baseball delimma, be a parent or be a fan, //plus

Okay, if you are a baseball fan you may know that Josh Hamilton is becoming a person non gratis with Rangers fans. Last year my son with his own money bought me a Hamilton t shirt jersey. So do I disfigure it or get rid of it to be a good Ranger fan or do I keep it since my son gave it to me for Father's day?

This is perplexing because it is a good shirt and from my son, but wearing it around nowadays is a bit weird. I am a Rangers' fan so it irks me to wear it.



And there is the un written rule not to wear white after labor day, so can we get an update to include not to wear yellow, or turquoise, or lime green etc.., before St Patrick's Day? Seriously folks, bright yellow when it is 30 degrees outside just doesn't work, even in Texas.

Spring isn't that far away and neither is baseball. Have a good one folks.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A) It is about time B) It should never have been time

Part A)

On March 23rd Dallas is having an event against domestic violence. It will be downtown at 10AM. Dale Hansen one of the local sports broadcasters has already done an unplug on the ten o'clock news for it and I doubt my post will match what he did. I am somewhat curious about this event and wondering what it will accomplish. It needs to accomplish much.

You always hear that domestic violence is a hidden epidemic etc, but we never do anything about it as a society. And yes we all know it exists. Everyone can attest to it being a problem, but where do we ever take a stand. I don't want to take anything away from the Mayor, who is organizing this event, but again I am curious as to what will follow. There is always some talk about doing something against domestic violence, but we still have it, it is still a major problem, and no one has any answers so far.

And as a society we are a bit hypocritical. For example, you can read the posts on news websites and every time there is an article on the mideast the posts go on and on about how bad Islam is and that they treat their women like crap, and in many cases some of the people there do. Yet we talk and don't do anything about our own problem of the way women and children are treated here. Domestic violence is a serious problem, yet we can criticize others, but never clean our own house.

And in our own society, we have such talk as family values, and people preaching this and that, but even religion lets us down. Or so it may seem. I really want to separate what people call being religious and people truly respecting life. And yes this means more than being pro life as a political agenda. Some people make the talk, and make much noise about family values, but do they really live it. I do have a problem with some so called religious people who turn what should be something wonderful or something worth fighting for into a political agenda for their own gain. Yet if we truly had strong families, a true family value culture that would be one of the best ways to combat domestic violence. Whether you are God believing or God ignoring you have to realize that the fall of strong families is actually hurting our society. True, domestic violence has always existed, but where you do develop strong families where parents teach their children to respect others, to appreciate and cherish each other, you don't see domestic violence.

It is not just about saying gentlemen don't hit ladies or children, it is about true respect of life from conception to grave. We need to learn to understand the difference between people who talk about something and those that actually live what is right. You may not like someone saying family values is a good thing because it is a beaten up term by some people politically, but truth be told we need more people going back to strong families to help our country become strong again.

So if you get the chance come out March 23rd and see what happens, hopefully it will be a good beginning. To continue though it will mean we, as individuals in the society getting involved, not politically, but back to the basics. Recognize and stand up to domestic violence, yes this may mean calling the police or other social agencies, but it may need to be done. Domestic violence is much more than statistics because many victims are held back by fear and the stigma of it. We cannot hide behind,well that person didn't meant to do it, it was just that one time, they are basically good, etc, no we have to face facts, maybe face people we know, but we have to face it. Domestic violence is getting worse and the more we let the respect for others fade from our society, the more domestic violence and similar crimes etc will grow.

You may say you don't believe in God, or laugh at religion etc, but what does it say about you if you turn your back on your fellow man, especially when that fellow man is a 5 foot woman being beaten by a 200lb man or a defenseless small child dying due to neglect. Or what if you say you believe in God, but where are you when it is time to supply the shelters, support the people who combat this in an underpaid job, or make excuses because the perpetrator says they believe in God, too. Believe me, they really don't believe in God.

As I tell the kids, whenever you see an unselfish act of love, you see God. And conversely whenever you see an act of disrespect of human life, you see evil.

Part B)

Okay fast food chains, have just gone way overboard. Yes, it is Lent, but some of the fast food seafood creations need to be trashed, yes literally trashed. Please don't support this garbage, especially since they are trying to please an audience that should be thinking more of why they are suppose to eat seafood, what real sacrifice is suppose to mean, not get advertised garbage to supposedly meet their requirements during a time of reflection,contemplation, and sacrifice.

And if you don't believe me that this is a dog and pony show for Catholics watch how fast these products and ads die down Easter week.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lifetime appointments

I have never been a big fan of life time appointments. I understand some of the logic and reasoning. Some positions need the person to be able to focus on the job itself to hopefully make the right decisions especially by nature of the position some of them may be tough or have to be unpopular. Yet you see people whose ego gets in the way of what is best for the overall group they represent and actually stay too long, way past where they can do any good, because of health and/or age.

Now historically the Papacy has required the Pope to stay for life and at times because of this pressure of the position they stay sometimes beyond where their health would allow for them to continue to be a benefit. I do not want to take away anything from any previous Popes (like most people I really liked John Paul II), but you have to admire Pope Benedict XVI for stepping down because of his age and health. It has been almost 600 hundred years since a Pope retired. And there is mix feelings about this from what I am hearing and reading.

Some feel that he should fulfill his commitment, however, I think most realize that it is better for the Church for him to retire. For a person who is responsible for over a billion people that must have taken some serious soul searching for him to decide it is not about him, but about the Church. I am sure being chosen Pope must have some affect on your ego, no matter how much of a Christian you are and being committed to true humility, that responsibility and historical legacy does not land easily in your pysche. So you have to admire any Pope in accepting that responsibility to be true to the Church itself and not letting themself be overwhelmed by the perceived power that may have been bestowed. Pope Benedict's retirement really shows the world that no matter how much people may hate the Church or have their conspiracy theories at the heart of it all, the Popes really are trying to do what is best for the people of the Church.

It is hard to comment about this, because many Popes have not retired and I blame the pressure of the position for this,not the individuals. There is that expectation among Catholics that this will be fulfilled no matter what. So again,kudos to Pope Benedict XVI to humble himself to reality and let himself retire.

So in general, we know we need certain positions to be lifetime appointments, here in the US for example, Federal judges get lifetime appointments, but let us all hope that these individuals can accept reality and realize there is a time to retire.

Friday, February 8, 2013

part a) grammys? part b) its not us vs them part c) idiots

Part A)

Okay what genius figured out you can tell a whole bunch of people that by nature are rebellious that they should follow a dress code. So lets see what happens. You have artists and musicians being told to conform to a norm. Is this like the biggest temptation to blow it? Or will they follow suit and disappoint? And if they follow suit, well hell then I will be sorely disappointed.

Part B)

Since gas prices are spiking again I thought I would beat my head against the wall as usual and say we really need a diversified energy economy. Folks its not liberals vs conservatives, green energy vs fossil fuel, or blues vs reds, it is basic common sense. The future is coming. We can shape it or we can be left behind.

Shoot there is a trillion dollar economic plan to build solar plants in certain places around the world and sell electric cars. And we can build all this here and export it. Add natural gas production and natural gas cars and it all adds up to boosting our economy. BUT NOOOOOOOO we have super billionaires who are as innovative as horseshit and are hoarding their billions. Not only this, but if they would invest in the future, they might make more billions then they would hoarding. It is crazy, the world is sitting on the next major transition economically. Think about history, first there was wheels, then wind power for sails, then steam engines, etc etc etc, whenever new modes of transportation and energy are developed the people behind it become the world leaders. So it would make sense if we are such a great country to lead us forward.

Anyway, we are stuck with gas prices spiking again, then it will happen again, and then again. It really doesn't matter who develops the technology as long as we do it so our country booms again. So if Exxon, IBM, Microsoft, Facebook or Joe Blow wants to do it, lets start pushing the issue so it gets done. Give true tax breaks to innovative people and tax the hell out of the hoarders. I have said it before and I will say it again, the current version of Wall street is not the future of capitalism, especially a constructive, productive market capitalism; which we sorely need.

On a secondary note, I am not too fond of the fracking process because of the water usage, but I have an idea to help solve that problem and help to keep us with water for human consumption. Go back and read the stories about the conflicts going on in Kansas last summer, agriculture and drinking water should come first, but like I said there are solutions.

Part C)

I like driving fast, even really fast sometimes. And it is really worthwhile out west on I 10 cutting through the Guadalupe Mountains in West Texas or across the desert in New Mexico and Arizona,, hell I've pushed 90+ in a mini van, but to watch people weave in and out of traffic trying to get somewhere quicker, but wearing out their brakes and wasting gas is just insane. Just a bunch of idiots, they never get to their destination any quicker and all they do is manage to frustrate the people who are just trying to get home or to work, or wherever. OR worse cause some stupid wreck that blows out some innocents person's car and day. Saw three wrecks yesterday, all off highways, and all looked like someone blew through a red light, or tried switching lanes without looking. Just plain stupidity not to drive reasonable in town. Common sense behind the driver's wheel is the world's largest minority.

Anyway wasting time on this Friday night when I really should be actually trying to write on my stories so I can get somewhere in life.

It's February and somewhat warm way too early even for Texas. Gotta love it though. Already killed a fly and been bitten by a mosquito. That is April weather folks.

Monday, February 4, 2013

working in the dark

Okay I was trying to get on Twitter to put out some comments during the "big game" yesterday, but couldn't get on. Simple stuff like I didn't want to go to work on Monday, but at least I knew how to turn on the lights ,,,,don't want to be the guy that tripped over the wire.. glad I didn't get on because couldn't think of anything real clever. Problem is I still can't get on. I don't know if it is my computer or something else, but I only pull up a dark blue screen every time I type in the URL. Is there more to them being hacked the other day?

And speaking of working in the dark, it amazes me that the Republicans who are suppose to be the representative of the business community suck at PR and marketing. And for new product development (new candidates) they are running dry. Seems a bit ironic to me.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Grasping FOR straws?

I have been watching the news a bit, and started wondering where are we going to find a reasoned conservative voice. I guess Jindal was trying, but still I don't see someone being able to step up and profess a true reasoned conservative agenda. The Republicans just don't get they need to find their audience, not try to change the rules to scratch out a few points in an election. Rule changes such as Virginia will not help the party, much less put back together a real conservative agenda that makes sense to most Americans. In all their convoluted efforts the Republicans are pushing this country to the left of center.

And playing like they are willing to compromise on immigration reform they are only making things worst for themselves. And what is funny, middle class minorities and minority owned small business people are the constituency they need to attract. This is of course if they want to maintain themselves as the voice of conservative America. These groups reflect traditional Republican values, or what they have always vocalized as their values. Most are hard working, have strong sense of family, go to church, and generally don't have ultra liberal tendencies. The Republicans, by catering to the extreme right of the party are moving these groups to the left along with middle class whites. Mainly because the Democrats talk to what these groups want to hear. Their value system lends itself to a conservative agenda or what I am calling a reasoned conservative agenda, but the Republicans are doing everything in their power to chase them away.

So the question keeps running rampant in my head, who can pull together a reasoned conservative platform, stand up to the bullies of the tea party, bring in swing voters and independents, to keep life, not really in the Republican party, but in conservative politics. Quite frankly if we don't find some people quickly, this country is going to swing to the left way too much and we will lose the ability completely to reign in government spending, balance the budget, and keep certain values such as the federal government doesn't need to be controlling every aspect of our lives, nor trying to solve all our problems.

The rich will say the democrats are trying to take away their money with higher taxes, but really we need to control spending, keep power within the states, improve education, and leave open the opportunity for people to become successful, such as encouraging more minorities to own businesses and create their own wealth along with what we already have now among some of the white upper middle class and small to medium size businesses. The more we can spread true wealth around the stronger our country becomes. Historically it has been the Republicans who have voiced this path, albeit not so much in practice.

Again we need to find true conservatives to retake the party, put back in place the Judeo Christian values we once said was our bedrock, and remain faithful to the goal, not to extremism or elitism.

So going forward who is the reasoned conservative voice? All moderate conservatives to true constitutional conservatives need to keep their hears open and find these people quickly. Or the Republican party is going to self destruct and take the country with it.

And on a side note, Go Ravens, not because I am a Raven fan, but because as a Cowboy fan I can't stand the 49ers having any more Rings. And thinking about it, Jerry Jones and the Republican leadership are much alike. Too self centered and egotistical to realize, even with good intentions, they are their own worst enemy.