Friday, February 1, 2013

Grasping FOR straws?

I have been watching the news a bit, and started wondering where are we going to find a reasoned conservative voice. I guess Jindal was trying, but still I don't see someone being able to step up and profess a true reasoned conservative agenda. The Republicans just don't get they need to find their audience, not try to change the rules to scratch out a few points in an election. Rule changes such as Virginia will not help the party, much less put back together a real conservative agenda that makes sense to most Americans. In all their convoluted efforts the Republicans are pushing this country to the left of center.

And playing like they are willing to compromise on immigration reform they are only making things worst for themselves. And what is funny, middle class minorities and minority owned small business people are the constituency they need to attract. This is of course if they want to maintain themselves as the voice of conservative America. These groups reflect traditional Republican values, or what they have always vocalized as their values. Most are hard working, have strong sense of family, go to church, and generally don't have ultra liberal tendencies. The Republicans, by catering to the extreme right of the party are moving these groups to the left along with middle class whites. Mainly because the Democrats talk to what these groups want to hear. Their value system lends itself to a conservative agenda or what I am calling a reasoned conservative agenda, but the Republicans are doing everything in their power to chase them away.

So the question keeps running rampant in my head, who can pull together a reasoned conservative platform, stand up to the bullies of the tea party, bring in swing voters and independents, to keep life, not really in the Republican party, but in conservative politics. Quite frankly if we don't find some people quickly, this country is going to swing to the left way too much and we will lose the ability completely to reign in government spending, balance the budget, and keep certain values such as the federal government doesn't need to be controlling every aspect of our lives, nor trying to solve all our problems.

The rich will say the democrats are trying to take away their money with higher taxes, but really we need to control spending, keep power within the states, improve education, and leave open the opportunity for people to become successful, such as encouraging more minorities to own businesses and create their own wealth along with what we already have now among some of the white upper middle class and small to medium size businesses. The more we can spread true wealth around the stronger our country becomes. Historically it has been the Republicans who have voiced this path, albeit not so much in practice.

Again we need to find true conservatives to retake the party, put back in place the Judeo Christian values we once said was our bedrock, and remain faithful to the goal, not to extremism or elitism.

So going forward who is the reasoned conservative voice? All moderate conservatives to true constitutional conservatives need to keep their hears open and find these people quickly. Or the Republican party is going to self destruct and take the country with it.

And on a side note, Go Ravens, not because I am a Raven fan, but because as a Cowboy fan I can't stand the 49ers having any more Rings. And thinking about it, Jerry Jones and the Republican leadership are much alike. Too self centered and egotistical to realize, even with good intentions, they are their own worst enemy.

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