Friday, February 8, 2013

part a) grammys? part b) its not us vs them part c) idiots

Part A)

Okay what genius figured out you can tell a whole bunch of people that by nature are rebellious that they should follow a dress code. So lets see what happens. You have artists and musicians being told to conform to a norm. Is this like the biggest temptation to blow it? Or will they follow suit and disappoint? And if they follow suit, well hell then I will be sorely disappointed.

Part B)

Since gas prices are spiking again I thought I would beat my head against the wall as usual and say we really need a diversified energy economy. Folks its not liberals vs conservatives, green energy vs fossil fuel, or blues vs reds, it is basic common sense. The future is coming. We can shape it or we can be left behind.

Shoot there is a trillion dollar economic plan to build solar plants in certain places around the world and sell electric cars. And we can build all this here and export it. Add natural gas production and natural gas cars and it all adds up to boosting our economy. BUT NOOOOOOOO we have super billionaires who are as innovative as horseshit and are hoarding their billions. Not only this, but if they would invest in the future, they might make more billions then they would hoarding. It is crazy, the world is sitting on the next major transition economically. Think about history, first there was wheels, then wind power for sails, then steam engines, etc etc etc, whenever new modes of transportation and energy are developed the people behind it become the world leaders. So it would make sense if we are such a great country to lead us forward.

Anyway, we are stuck with gas prices spiking again, then it will happen again, and then again. It really doesn't matter who develops the technology as long as we do it so our country booms again. So if Exxon, IBM, Microsoft, Facebook or Joe Blow wants to do it, lets start pushing the issue so it gets done. Give true tax breaks to innovative people and tax the hell out of the hoarders. I have said it before and I will say it again, the current version of Wall street is not the future of capitalism, especially a constructive, productive market capitalism; which we sorely need.

On a secondary note, I am not too fond of the fracking process because of the water usage, but I have an idea to help solve that problem and help to keep us with water for human consumption. Go back and read the stories about the conflicts going on in Kansas last summer, agriculture and drinking water should come first, but like I said there are solutions.

Part C)

I like driving fast, even really fast sometimes. And it is really worthwhile out west on I 10 cutting through the Guadalupe Mountains in West Texas or across the desert in New Mexico and Arizona,, hell I've pushed 90+ in a mini van, but to watch people weave in and out of traffic trying to get somewhere quicker, but wearing out their brakes and wasting gas is just insane. Just a bunch of idiots, they never get to their destination any quicker and all they do is manage to frustrate the people who are just trying to get home or to work, or wherever. OR worse cause some stupid wreck that blows out some innocents person's car and day. Saw three wrecks yesterday, all off highways, and all looked like someone blew through a red light, or tried switching lanes without looking. Just plain stupidity not to drive reasonable in town. Common sense behind the driver's wheel is the world's largest minority.

Anyway wasting time on this Friday night when I really should be actually trying to write on my stories so I can get somewhere in life.

It's February and somewhat warm way too early even for Texas. Gotta love it though. Already killed a fly and been bitten by a mosquito. That is April weather folks.

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