Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Continuing a few thoughts--updated

Regular readers know I will get on a soapbox about education every now and then. Recently in local news there has been more criticism of Dallas Independent School District’s Superintendent from the school board. Historically the school board has spent more time finding something wrong with the person they hire than actually spending anytime improving the education of just one child in Dallas. I haven’t searched for a follow up to the story since this happens all the time here so I don’t know what happened, but hopefully he kept his job and is actually able to do his job.

“Youths are to be regarded with respect.
How do you know that their future will not be equal to our present?” Confucius

As you know I feel we do a horrible job of educating our children. I have suggested in the past that we need to completely rework how we educate our child and model it closer to child development. There is so much research out there about how children develop and learn that it is a shame these models aren’t even discussed in the mass media and in school boards around the country. There may be some examples out there I have not heard of (and actually I hope there are), but right now I am not seeing any and since I keep an eye out for these types of stories I am worried about the future of our children and country. If you are interested there are some previous posts with rough draft ideas of how I envision this could work.

For all those who like to make fun of the Republican candidates for the Presidency in 2016 making statements like I see the clown car is filling up again etc from around news stories posts, I give you this quote:

“The problem with political jokes is they get elected” Henry Cate VII

Wish I had said that, but more importantly for all the elitist leftists and pseudo intellectuals that think none of the Republicans have a chance; be careful who has the last laugh. And if you think it is impossible, see comments about education in this country. I get so tired reading comments from people looking down their noses at the masses. Their complacency and ignorance about what is really going on is very scary.

And continuing on the same note, I wonder do the liberals realize having a large federal government be in charge of solving all our problems only gives the fascists the government and bureaucracy they need to make their job easier to control our lives. There is something to be said for State governments to solve some of their own problems. One means less reliance on an overly centralized government and even more important if we could elect better state legislators we might have some creativity in problem solving. Some local problems are best solved by locals and this also gives us a database of ideas to adapt to other localities to solve their problems. I do agree there are problems that need to be managed at the federal level, but not all of them.

The term State’s rights does have some bad connotations, but to turn it around in a positive way where State’s actually do something productive would benefit the country as a whole. It does go back to elect the right people though. Just because a government is large does not make it great, much less worthwhile. There is something to be said for efficiency and moderation.

And then there is this:

There are people actually doing something more than me just babbling away. Thank goodness

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