Sunday, May 3, 2015

Think about it please

The first thought goes to the average member of the Tea Party. Do you love your Parents and Grandparents or do you love fascism and totalitarianism? Really an interesting choice because some of the tactics used by the extreme members of your group were the same ones used by a certain group in the 30’s that led to your Parents and Grandparents sacrificing it all in the 40’s. Read history thoroughly. And for you that actually believe the garbage about Obama being a dictator, really?!?!?!?!?. I do not think anyone in today’s military is going to go to bat to try and strong arm any of his policies. If you believe the hyperbole about him, you really need to re-evaluate what you are being told and what is truly feasible.

The second thought goes to the “establishment” Republicans. Your financial advisor maybe helping you plan for retirement, but is he or she helping you plan for the next financial catastrophe? Pretty much now that the savings of the middle class have been cannibalized from the last recession, yours will be next. You won’t believe me, I know, but as the uber rich want more and more to feed their greed monkey, they will need to find the extra money and power from somewhere.

And second for the “establishment” Republicans, can we get our act together and re instill true capitalism. Market manipulation to make paper money is not capitalism. We need to focus on the concept of making products, trade, paying wages, concentrating on the customer and the employee to grow your business. Let’s get back to the people who make a viable and quality product be the true winners of our financial system. It amazes me that the super billionaires spend more time trying to manipulate our government etc… so they can make more money. The should try to improve the economy so they create more business for themselves to make more money. Just tells you how backwards the establishment Republicans think. If you love our country, please work for our country, otherwise put the Flags down because you are not patriots.

And for the Democrats, liberal elitists, and liberal left working class, please go back and read history. The upper middle class, middle class elitism, and some variation of what people call the “bourgeois” ignored what was going on in Europe in the 30’s and assumed there was no way the fascists would come to power. You tend to assume that Queen Hillary is going to save the day and win in 2016. This is exactly the type of ignorance and complacency that leads to trouble.

And you may say, don’t you always brag that you take the high road and offer positive solutions, that you try not to complain without offering better ideas etc.. and you are right; I do say that and try to come up with something better.. and yes sometimes I fail and become negative, but have you seen the insanity going on with the Governor of Texas and what he is saying????? Crap like this doesn’t exist without a reason. And that reason is untenable for our country.

I don’t know, but as far as this is going it seems way too many people are on the same wrong page. We need new leadership for the 21st century. The current crop of candidates and potential candidates offer us nothing new or productive. We do not need to change our government just the people who want to lead our country. I ask over and over again, what will it take for people to realize Democrats and Republicans aren’t our government and are not etched into stone, changing who runs is not changing our constitution.

If we are not careful, Ignorance, poverty, complacency, and of course corruption will be the epitaph of Democracy, not just in our country, but for the world.

“There’s a difference between a philosophy and a bumper sticker” Charles M Schulz (well actually have you seen the back of some cars) And in case you didn’t know Logic is a philosophy

“Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for the appointment by the corrupt few” George Bernard Shaw (You can always improve incompetence)

“In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a Congress” John Adams (damn soothsayers)

“I have a theory that the truth is never told during the nine to five hours” Hunter S Thompson (well in politics it seems to be a 24/7 situation)

And why we need to improve what we have:
“There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval” George Santayana

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