Thursday, January 14, 2016

Another ingredient in the pudding…. And a side note

There is the old saying “the proof is in the pudding” and the pudding is my continuation of why the Democrats and Republicans are failing us. And this one is about addressing a specific activity.
As you may have read somewhere or on occasion I talk much about how if the Democrats and Republicans were actually representing us then items like the wealth gap wouldn’t be so large, true wage and true spending power would be up over the last forty-fifty years instead of in a long decline.

Today though I want to talk about comparing how much time they spend on getting re elected rather than representing you. These are just quick thoughts.
I am not talking about the outsize number of times Congress is not in session even though that can be a problem. Tonight is more about developing policy vs elections.

So I ask you to compare for yourselves how much energy each party spends on collecting voter data, analyzing voter data, heck even stealing voter data amongst themselves, developing programs to pinpoint exactly who might vote down to the precinct level and more versus how much time the parties and the candidates develop policies that might help the greater good.
And you may say, I hear all the time their goals. The candidates spend millions on ads espousing campaign information. And yes they do, but it is mostly slogans and phrases and long standing ideological statements to prove to their base that they are on target.

They do not spend anywhere near the same amount of time analyzing what programs work in our government, which ones don’t, what could be improved, creating true priority lists of what we need as a country. The work that would actually be representing you in a Republic form of government.
Yep they do tons of work, but not one iota of it benefits you as a citizen of the United States and this includes federal, state and local level. But damn they sure know how to get you to vote. Takes much work to do that. So yes our politicians work hard…… for themselves

And on a second note, I wrote some general comments on a news story about Ms. Clinton and one of the replies I got back was the GOP was worse. And actually similar comments happen all the time to my posts since I make comments representing an independent point of view and sometimes rehashing different ways to continue to say how our two major parties are failing us.

I did take notice this time and I wanted to say this version of worse is you being subjective. You say the GOP is worse because you support the Democrats and so by your standards they are worse, but step back and analyze which party has succeeded in governing responsibly. And then both sides would say we do; the other side doesn’t. And again it is subjective.

I wish somehow some way I could get through to the general party members to step away from the kool aid and take a drink of fresh water and see what that tastes like. I know the paid party members, die hards, and the people that support them to receive the pork benefits would not step away, but it is the thousands if not millions of voters referred to as the rank and file of each party that I would want to taste the water. I wish I could find a way to walk them out of the box built up by generations to see that their interests are not aligned with what their parties are doing.  

The TEA party members did try, but they have been blinded (like everyone else) for so long and led astray to their principles that they were ready for anyone to take them by the hand and lead them somewhere else. And when you are already right wing it doesn’t take much to be led in a hard right direction when the blinders are never removed. So even though they are headed away from the box they are not being led in a direction that will ultimately benefit them.

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