Saturday, January 23, 2016

Just another one of those conspiracy theories

Yes the paranoid blogs still live. I love wanting to be a fiction writer.

Where do I go with this? My brain really got ramped up when the National Review dedicated so much energy in saying we don’t want Trump.  To me that looks really suspicious.  First of all, the most “revered” name in conservative talking heads going bat caca over one man is pretty astounding. And then like I said I started thinking about it. Why spend so much energy trying to take him down when this is exactly what excites his audience? Is this too obvious or am I just crazy?  So the brain started back tracking, the creative juices went nuts and lo and behold the ultimate Donald Trump conspiracy.

The Machiavellian aspect of this is way out there, but you never know.  So 8-9 months ago Donald Trump announces his candidacy with a very outlandish statement about building a wall to keep out all the drugs and rapists from Mexico. The press jumps on it.   Realistically no one can really begin a Presidential campaign with that much insanity unless there was something behind it? Could a few well-placed people make sure the press jumps on it. Sure most of the press would be going along with such a fantastic story. Yet if you knew there was an audience and enough of an audience then you might be able to get off to this kind of start. It is always about planting seeds.  Remember he had a long run with the birther movement.   Could the seeds have gone back that far or did someone recognize the potential and then got in Donald’s ear?

Tell a very narcissistic egotistic man, you can be President. And you can do it by being you. You tell the world what you want or could they have even helped him with some of this craziness.

And the statements continued to come. The audiences grow bigger and the more the Press denounces him the more his audience loved him. The more the establishment denounces him the more his audience grows.

The TEA party was already a worked up audience and now their beloved takeover of the House has failed. The bitterness of not getting what they want grows. And certain people notice, maybe even the people who helped redirect the original grass movement of the TEA party or could they have started it themselves. How far back does this plan go???????????

So find the man who can ignite the fear, who cares not about what people think as long as they think of him and that man was found. So go to him, talk in his ear, think about you being President. You will go down in history forever. You would not be beholden to anyone, you are your own man. He jumps at the chance.

The audience buys the product. The press feeds the product. How can anyone run without spending any money? How can they get twice as much press coverage as anyone else? How do they control the debates?  
Someone or some ones, working way deep, planting people in the crowds to increase the fever, working behind the media curtain, pressing for more outrage at him, demanding answers as to why he can get away with what he wants, slowly creating the image he is his own man. He can take on the media and the establishment and win. He is our man yell the people.

And even more craziness starts to happen, first the high elite of the conservative world denounce him, yet the whispering begins that maybe some conservative elites may be thinking about him, he states we can deal once I am in office because I am the ultimate dealmaker and I will win those deals. The people adore me.

All the while the competition is being pushed by the way side.  Anyone that comes close to challenging him is made out to be a loser, not because of policy or ideals or substance, but because of superficial name calling. Who cares about issues? Donald has the answer. “I will make America great again”  I have not a clue as to how, but because I am Donald Trump I will make it happen. The people cheer.

Now there are senators wanting to change the rules, give more power to the President to fight ISIS. What? Congress giving up one of its primary functions under the concept of checks and balances? Why would they do that? I mean the arch enemy Obama is President,,, really they want to increase HIS war powers?  Or could they be thinking ahead? Yeah let the President have blanket authority to fight whomever  wherever even in the good ole USA as long as it’s the bad guys; the terrorists   Hmmm….. who decides who are the terrorists?  Hmmmmm……. Why would Congress want to give up so much power? Unless someone said to them, we, who pay you, think this is a good idea. If Obama asks for this, does the Republican controlled Congress go along? Hmmm…..shoot does any self respecting Congress go along? Yet somehow someway under Obama’s watch people are offering this. Hmmm…..

The time to vote is approaching, the numbers in the polls increase, and the people flock to the Man.  No real organization, no real policy argument, no hard core team on the ground ready to get out the vote, yet……the only question left is will the fans vote? The noise is loud, the pundits are mystified, and someone or some people sit very quietly in the background and smile.
They bought Congress a long time ago, now they have the ego in place who will believe he is leading us into greatness, all the while following the plan. Donald will continue to wave the stars and stripes and tell the people the USA is the greatest.                                             Well until it is too late.
And all the above because a group of elitist conservatives cannot figure out what to do with a bombastic egotist who is the most infamous and famous politician in a long time. You would think our country could

offer more. Well at least my over active imagination isn’t failing because of him. Or do they even know? Hmmmm…..

And whether or not, if you believe this high fiction, that Donald is being played or is part of it doesn’t matter. It could be happening right before our eyes.

Long live the constitution, the constitution is dying.

And if for some reason you read in the news about some ole crazy person being shot in a random shooting here in the Dallas area with no motive.   Hmmmmmm….

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