Saturday, July 9, 2016

Downtown Dallas was all blue last night

The Dallas downtown skyline was all blue last night. Every building that could change its nightly colors changed them to blue. The Reunion Ball, Bank of American building etc…. all were blue.

And in Dallas the sadness and shock will last for quite a while. And it will be hard not for it. In any city, someone always knows someone that is a policeman or deputy or other local law enforcement person. My wife and I know quite a few. She has texted some condolences and we hope to see a few of our friends this week. I also know members of other local law enforcement agencies through work and will get to talk to them next week. I do not know what I will say at any given moment. These will be personal conversations.

To what happened though we need a much broader dialogue. The original rally/march was to protest the killing of two individuals by police officers. I do not know much of the circumstances around the original killings that took place earlier in the week. Obviously there is some concern about them hence the protest that took place in downtown Dallas. By all accounts the organizers and the police had met and had made preparations for the rally and march to take place. These meetings are always a helpful beginning to make sure a normal exercise of free speech accomplishes its goals.

The shooting of the police officers though is a separate incident from the rally and I hope people realize this fact. Hate has taken over too much of our country so people want to place blame based on their hate and ignorance. This only makes the problem worse. Hate begets hate, ignorance begets ignorance. We need to stop these cycles or the whirlpool into the cesspool of evil will continue.

I went to the service they had at noon on Friday the day after the shootings. It was very hard to hear due to the noise of the news helicopters whirling overhead. Ironically I eventually I had to listen to much of it from clips and news stories. Everyone though seemed like they want to do something. Some speakers made very impassioned speeches and prayers. The big question is will we finally follow through on what was said.

And following through will be very difficult. Once you have something as large and engrained as the bigotry, ignorance and hate that permeates throughout our society, it cannot be changed overnight. We have generations of work ahead of us.  I just hope this is the time we find the will to make this work or everything this country stands for will waste away because of the hate and ignorance.  The misguided anger the shooter directed at people protecting the protesters is our future unless we, who understand, the problem start the real work.

It can start with words and prayers, but it needs action and action now. Even if we take baby steps at first it is our time to start. The tragedies will only multiply if we don’t and we may unfortunately have to fight through some more tragedies even if we start making the right steps forward. That will make it even more difficult.

And yes all sides in this endeavor have a responsibility to work towards a better country.  There is a horrible history and nothing can change that, but for the future to work all need to get involved.

We have to fight through the ignorance created by generations of ignoring what was developing that is leading to these moments; these shootings either by the police and now at the police.

This is a large country and everywhere you go there is going to be someone who should never have the role or job they own.  Sometimes it is people in management who have no idea how to manage people, sometimes it is a doctor or lawyer who somehow got by on the tests, but are unable to practically apply their knowledge and yes sometimes it is a person who has been given a job that possess a firearm that has years of ignorance bred into them about their fellow man and makes the ultimate mistake. At whatever level we cannot accept the factors that lead to people being placed in responsibilities they are not prepared for or not understanding of their role and how it affects others. Am I trying to lessen the police shootings by these examples. I hope you do not feel that way. I am trying to show we have to do more to make sure the higher the responsibility the more we need to prepare the person or learn they are not the person for the job whatever it may be. This takes more education, this takes more awareness of who we are as human beings and our failings and more positively what we can do as well.

An ignorant person filled with misguided hate has no business being a police officer. What are we going to do as a society to learn how to address these issues in the hiring and training process? And what are we going to do as a society to help a family understand there is a family member that needs help. Something has gone wrong in their brain and it needs to be addressed no matter how painful that may be or difficult because the family member is not going to cooperate with addressing either their misguided hate or mental illness that causes a person to do harm to others.

And what are we going to do to start working together to begin the real process of attacking the weeds of hate and ignorance that permeate through our society. Digging out weeds means getting to the roots of the problem and getting it all so it does not grow back. As always many people have spoken and spoken eloquently. I have heard Friday from those here and throughout the country. Everyone knows killing police officers is not the solution. Everyone knows we need to protect each and every citizen of this great country from being a victim. Unfortunately, I fear, who of us knows what to do next.

If ever there was a time for a country’s leaders to take action it is now.  And sometimes what we need to do may not please everyone. This will be the sign of real leadership. And again unfortunately we do not have the leaders in our current system that want to address the true problems facing us. Some will say the right words, but actually following through in our current self-serving group of political leadership will be interesting to see if it happens.  There are many individuals that will make the effort to do the right things. I feel very confident about that statement. I just hope the people that need to get out of their way do so we can support the right leaders in moving this country even more forward than we have already come.   

Our forefathers and Fathers did so much for us, let us continue the good fight and right this wonderful ship and bring back a sense of morality and respect for all life in our country. Each person is a wonderful human that needs to be nourished to succeed. That to me is one of the first steps we need to implement. Respect for yourself and others is what we have been given as the first step to greatness.

God bless everyone and I pray we do not have to see what happened 07/07/2016 again to move us in the right direction. I hope this is the date we truly start changing.

On secondary note, I am frustrated with some people who call themselves conservatives. Remember the root word of conservative is to conserve. Our country was founded on the principles and values that life has value and that we need to let a person flourish in life (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness). We our charged with the opportunity to self-govern, that means we have a responsibility to make sure all participate with the ability to make good decisions for the common good.  If your thoughts, words, and ACTIONS do not follow through to meet these principals, how can you call yourself a conservative? It is time we continue the fight for our values here at home.

On a more extraneous secondary note, I am going to finish my story. Unfortunately, in letting myself go with the flow when I write, it is gone on a path I wasn’t prepared. I still have my ending that I originally planned, however, I may need to guide it back to this ending. I should be able to finish in one or two more posts. I have found I enjoy these bits of story writing without purpose so I hope to add a few over time. I am still working on my other stories where I do spend a bit more time developing the story. One of these days I will figure out how to make a cover fit Smashwords requirements to get included in their broader publishing so hopefully some of you can read these stories also. (and yes make a penny or two)

And finally I have been working on this throughout the day, doing a little bit here and there. I keep hoping in my humble way I might encourage you to begin the start, yet we went to another service dedicated to the slain officers, we come out and now there is a lockdown or something going on at Dallas Police headquarters. Also I just read a headline there is a shooting in San Bernardino with three killed including a 9 year-old boy. I ask again, can we make this the time we start making the changes needed?


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