Thursday, November 3, 2016

Comments, Random thoughts and thoughts

The Cubs just won the World Series,,, congratulations to them and their many fans who have waited for the celebration to come home. Let’s hope tomorrow is a bright day in Chicago

For some strange reason the Grateful Dead song: “Friend of the Devil” keeps coming up in my mind. I have always liked the song. And it really has nothing to do with nothing going on; I just cannot figure out why the internal radio keeps selecting that tune. Really great song.  “…friend of the devil is a friend of mine.. if I get home before daylight I just might get some sleep tonight..”

Can you hear the bugle playing? It seems to be getting louder and louder as we get closer to November 8th . Sounds like Taps, Taps for the fall of democracy.

According to Star Wars legend the Sith always come in twos. The dark lords that lead the dark side of the force. So I sit here wondering why is it the two latest sith lords are fighting against each other in the American Presidential race. Either way the dark side wins.

There was another political story in the news this morning. It was the one where it stated Trump actually knew a certain individual of a certain repute that Trump said he never knew. One part of the story reminded me of an old joke:  in the story it had someone stating:  it may have looked like it was discrimination, it may have appeared to be discrimination, it may have sounded like discrimination, but it wasn’t discrimination… well the joke is two people are walking through a field and stop and say hey look at that on the ground, what is it? Looks like shit, smells like shit, even tastes like shit…. Sure glad we didn’t step in it.     Somehow the news story sounded like they just never finished the joke. Or finished it appropriately.

I came home late this evening to a very angry and fearful wife. Something she watched on TV about Clinton scared her and shoot here we are two days past Halloween.  I thought the monster movies were put to bed till next year.  Oh wait   see previous comment about Sith Lords

I know many Republicans who are not what we are hearing in the news with the many Republican officials pretty much being caught being jack asses with some of their social media comments. Truly the people I know are very good people, they are everything they say the Republican Party represents. I wonder sometimes what must be going through their heads when they read some of these stories. Quite frankly too many pricks are coming to the forefront of the party and it is a shame the real (read real: not establishment) Republicans do not do something. Shoot even George Will quit the party and I have never been sure why he called himself a Republican. Sometimes I wonder exactly what George Will thinks he thinks. And I like George Will on a good day. Oh wait, what is a good day?

Emails, Russians, groping woman, foundations, charities, hate, vitriol, special interests, money; what ever happened to people, policy, and vision? Oh yeah, oops I am expecting something positive in our world.

And finally the thought of the day: What does it mean to believe?  Think about it for a bit. This is an actual idea for you to meditate.  

Have a great evening and I hope your tomorrow looks as good as the people in Chicago feel.

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