Monday, May 15, 2017

“Follow the money”

Yes, the infamous quote from the book and movie: “All the President’s Men”. And not as well known, but just as important thought, follow the motive or motivation. Why does anyone want to do something? They have a reason. Sometimes it is simple, sometimes it is nefarious, sometimes is it stupid, yet there is almost always a reason why someone does something.

Are you fed up with the media slapping themselves on the back every time someone says or prints something? And then the whole liberal media is telling the whole world so and so is blowing up the internet or something or other. Hyperbole for hyperbole sake is not real news, nor is it anymore closer to removing Trump. Sometimes you know why the Trump supporters hate the liberal media.

They are playing the movie on cable lately and I do not think it is a strange coincidence. The difference between the current media and the movie though is strikingly different, yet how is this all connected. In the book or movie most of the media isn’t picking up on what Bernstein and Woodard picked up on. Sure, they had help, but overall the Post was actually the media being at its best. Yet none of the media back then was as smug as the current drivel you read on the internet. Newspapers still put out good stories, yet they are a dying business according to the internet. Funny the stories in the paper always seem better than the stories on the paper’s website for some reason.

And why am I bouncing back and forth and so random in this post? Good question.

And that is one point, the press in all its formats does not seem to be able to ask good questions anymore. Stories on the internet drop off after a couple of paragraphs, sometimes running out of steam before any new news can be disseminated. So how would anyone be able to determine if Trump really did anything if the people who knew didn’t tell and no one has the ability to ask the right questions?

Let’s change direction again. The Republicans are a good ole boy club. And are so self-serving they are now to the point of you must be part of us to enjoy prosperity. They are squeezing people out who do not conform to their ideals. Case in point was the story today found on a few websites discussing how a person resigned from a prestigious position in a company because a Republican Congressman found out this person was part of a group working to challenge Trump. Congressman wrote a letter/fundraising letter to the person’s CEO and entered a side note letting the CEO know the person was working with a group critical of Trump and the particular Congressman’s policies. The verbiage in the note was a bit harsher. Now this is something to break the internet. Here we have a government official in a Republic like ours using his position to out a person who does not agree with him politically. This letter or side note should never have happened. Yet in our society today we are headed more and more towards a small group of people so brazenly devoid of any values trying to determine who can speak out against the government. Now because of particulars the Congressman did not actually break any laws, but the outright affront to the Constitution such as free speech and the right to assemble peacefully to address a grievance is on so large a display the outrage should be so strong he would need to resign yesterday. Yet, have you heard this story? It is out there, yet this is what should be breaking the internet. This madness, this unconstitutional act by a person who at one point took an oath to protect the Constitution needs to be addressed.

So where is the liberal media, are they up in arms about this, and sticking to themes of this post, what was the Congressman’s motivation to write this note? Self-serving power and greed maybe????

So where are we today? We have a President who does not hide his intentions, his followers may not see them or stick their head in the sand, yet he is blatantly obvious that he does not care about our country, constitution, or our values. His people in power with him are starting to follow the lead and the greed machine is in full swing. The Republicans, who wonderfully love to join the club, see this as the way to behave and are fast on board. There is no way they are going to impeach Trump. They have too much to gain.

The media is too self-absorbed telling the whole world who had the best comment today, yet not doing any real work to out these Constitutional atrocities. And finally, the Democrats are so lost right now, they have no idea they are probably going to lose the 2018 midterm elections. Yes, I am predicting this now. Unless the party makes major overhauls in most of what it does, it is going to be more shocked in 2018 than in 2016. The media and the Democrats are facing serious problems of smugness because they think just by saying Trump did something the rest of the Country is on board with all their back-slapping congratulations on their cute comments.

So, I will help everyone out if anyone is still listening. The Russians helped Trump for one reason, and it starts with higher oil prices and they have been working on this for a while. They were loaning Trump money years ago, getting into his head and feeding his ego. We do not see this directly, yet he has been close to them on the sly. They probably have been working others also. So, folks you must follow the money and the motivation. Trump’s motivation is narcissism and greed; Russia’s motivation is to become the premier power in the world and this is not new. Russia has always felt like Europe treated them like a step child so the feeling in Russia by the Czarists onward has been to find a way to supplant everyone. Putin is just the latest Russian zealot in charge trying to arrange the ultimate worldwide coup. Pretty heady accusations I agree, yet what it all boils down to is there are a few oil oligarchs in Russia along with alt right politicians in Russia led by Putin who want to dominate and right now the best way to do that is to destroy the United States. And what a great tool Trump is for them.

So, it is time for the press etc to quit worrying about the election collusion. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Russia’s motives run deep. Our country is young and does not have the history of Asia and Europe to help us put events in better perspective. We are mainly a greedy country. And unfortunately, we also hold the greatest document ever written by man as our centerpiece. A weird dichotomy to say the least. We are about to lose our cherished country because we let greed become the club to join, instead of holding our forefather’s ideals sacred. And the worst example of greed is fast taking over our country and the two institutions that should be able to prevent this from happening just do not get what kind of monster they are fighting.

There are millions upon millions of good people in this country. It is just up to someone or some people to find a way to redirect their energy back towards what could make us the most special country to have ever come about on planet Earth. The clock is ticking though folks.

Follow the money from the motivation to get to the real bottom of everything and just remember the bastards never sleep. Any election collusion is just one event in much larger Machiavellian scheme.

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